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"Are those your wings?" Taehyung screeches, the torchlight of the large room reflecting the awe in his wide eyes as I carefully unfurl my silver wings from my back. Yoongi silently mirrors his astonishment that's characterized by his rounded golden eyes and jaw that's gone slack at the sight of the sleek silver feathers glowing with a frost-white sheen in the flickering light. Jungkook leans against the heavy, titanium-reinforced doors that guard the palace from the outside, simply watching my wings with an unidentified smirk.

I laugh and nod, fluttering them once. "I can't fly, though. They aren't strong enough yet."

"Can I touch them?" Taehyung lunges for them without waiting for an answer, hands outstretched. Before I can react, Taehyung is bundled roughly to the side and pinned against a nearby wall with a large hand planted firmly on his throat. My eyes widen in shock.

"Slow down and wait for her response, you idiot." A low growl rolls from Jungkook's throat as he hesitantly removes his hand from around Taehyung's throat. "You might hurt her."

"I'm not going to break, Jungkook. Besides, Tae wouldn't hurt me." I give a tense chuckle as he eyes Taehyung suspiciously before stepping away to where he had been standing prior to his protective outburst. "Yes, you can touch them, Tae."

"Awfully protective, aren't you, Jungkook?" Yoongi teases, watching through narrowed eyes as Taehyung stretches a hand out to caress one of my large wings with feather-soft fingertips. Jungkook simply scoffs and averts his eyes to stare intently at his own tan boots.

"Whoa, they feel like stained glass!" Taehyung gasps, now running his hand over the sleek feathers. "But why are they silver?"

"That's the color of my Seal," I explain. "And they have a more frosty tone in the light because angel is my dominant side."

"They're beautiful," Yoongi says evenly, nodding. "But you can't fly?"

I shake my head. "No, not yet. I guess that I haven't really been spending time strengthening them."

"Jungkook!" Yoongi snaps his fingers after pondering for a brief moment, causing the younger man to jerk his head up alertly. "You need to teach her how to fly."

"No, I can do it!" Taehyung's cheerful volunteer interrupts. "I'm a better instructor than Jungkookie, anyway."

Jungkook and Yoongi's defiant "no" rises, simultaneous with my perplexed "Jungkookie".

"No, Jungkook will teach her." Yoongi says, dismissing any further arguing with a decisive wave of his hand. He then glances at me, who is still standing there in puzzlement. "And yes. Taehyung has been calling him that for years, and some of his exes even picked up the nickname and started using it."

"Oh." So that explains that bitch Yeona's tendency to call him that.

"When do you want me to teach her?" Jungkook turns to Yoongi rather than question me himself.


"What?" I furrow my brows.

"You heard me." Yoongi pushes himself away from a nearby wall and grasps an objecting Taehyung by the collar. "Come on, Taehyung." Ignoring the younger man's protests, he exits the room swiftly but efficiently while dragging Taehyung in his wake.

An awkward silence collapses onto our shoulders as soon as the heavy doors clang shut behind the two older men, both of us refraining from speaking or even sparing the other a mere glance. Jungkook begins shifting his weight uncomfortably, taking up a defensive stance as I catch him glancing at me out of the corner of his eye. The only sounds in the expansive room is the gentle rustling of my wings as they flutter unhurriedly and the sharp popping of Jungkook's knuckles as he turns his gaze to everything except for me.

Silver Wings {Jungkook x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now