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It's been four hours since I abandoned Jungkook's room and ventured deeper into the palace to stand in the same massive room that I have deemed to be a place where I can safely practice. No one seems to enter or exit the palace very often, save for a few yellow-eyed messengers who barely spared me a parting glance before they went on their way.

Knees weak and limbs weighted with fatigue, I summon another wave of concentration and energy to my back, ignoring my slightly trembling form in my desperation and frustration. Once again, the mustered energy drains from me without producing a pair of wings, causing me to slowly sink to the floor. My ragged breaths are the only audible noise in the vacant room, Taehyung having left about an hour ago to perform his duties as, astonishingly, one of Satan's scribes.

I can't do it. It doesn't matter how hard I try, because I always fail. Bitter disappointment lances through my heart, swallowing up my mind in a harsh sense of failure. Maybe they were wrong about me. Maybe I'm not a half-blood. Maybe this whole Seal thing was just some kind of freakish birthmark and my parents died... for nothing. The brief mention of my deceased parents floods my systems with crushing grief and guilt for not being able to play the role of the powerful half-blood that they were so sure that I would be. But if I give up now, then I'll truly be failing them once and for all.

I'm about to drag myself into a standing position when the heavy doors behind me creak open, followed by a sharp slam that echoes throughout the hollow room and hurried footsteps approaching my crumpled form. I don't even bother to look up, already assuming the identity who must've located me.


Jungkook's voice is wracked with worry as his footsteps draw nearer before I feel a pair of strong arms wrap around my waist and lift my weakened body from the carpet. My lips curve into a slightly startled yet warm smile at his caring gesture, and I lift my head. His face is only mere inches from mine, his crimson eyes sparking with relief while emotions swimming in his eyes as his frantically search mine.

"What are you doing here?" He chides in a low growl. "Why did you run off?"

Instantly, the warmth in my body fades and I reflexively raise my hands, pressing them against his muscular chest as I distance myself from him. "What do you mean, why did you run off? I was the one trying to be nice and apologize to you but then you ran off and left me, so please explain your logic."

Who does he think he is? And what right does he have to be aware of my exact location at all times? He can't just waltz in here and act like nothing happened. I fume, showing subtle signs by lightly crossing my arms over my chest and narrowing my eyes slightly.

Jungkook sighs, his eyes suddenly displaying a twinge of distress that is quickly concealed by raw irritation. "I ran because I felt embarrassed of your little pet name you gave me," he snarls. "And you ran off for what? To be with Taehyung?"

My eyes widen. "How did you know that I was with him?"

"Easy," he growls. "I went searching for you the moment I noticed that you were gone, and I went to Taehyung to ask where you were and he explained that he was just with you."

"Okay, so what does it matter?" I fire back, beginning to feel undesired annoyance and anger stir in the pit of my stomach. "It's not like you're my boyfriend or whatever." I use the term very flippantly, but by the way his eyes round, I can tell that he doesn't.

"No, I'm not! But I've been assigned to watch over you and you're making it exceedingly difficult, brat!" Jungkook barks back, lowering his head slightly so that his captivating eyes peek out from his soft ebony fringe.

Silver Wings {Jungkook x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now