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Your POV

"You deserve better than me."

Jungkook's voice is so enriched with agony and burning regret as he spills out confession after confession, his presence weighing heavily on my shoulders as I feel him looming over my motionless body. I strain to keep my eyes shut and my breathing even and slow as I do my utmost best to detain the sorrow and sympathy that's welling inside me in the form of tears that have not yet been spilled.

Almost immediately afterwards, I hear the soles on his boots rustle against the carpet as he turns on a dime and makes a beeline for the door. Not until the door slams in his wake do I finally stir, weakly pushing myself into a sitting position as my brain works on overdrive to piece together the complicated jigsaw puzzle he has dumped atop me.

"I had no idea that he felt that way," I mumble numbly, staring absently at the comforter that's stained with translucent pearls of sadness. "How could I have been so blind? How could I have been so ignorant not to put the pieces together and realize how he felt? What is wrong with me?" My gaze flickers to the door, another wave of sorrow pummeling me. "But why did he run?"

Jungkook... I'm sorry... I want to heal your wounds because it kills me to know that you're suffering, but I don't know how. But why run from me?

My prior fear having subsided, I realize that I should feel a smothering embarrassment at having been discovered in such a feeble and pitiful state, but I don't. I can't. Not while Jungkook is out there somewhere, agonized and deserving of someone's aid.

I need my demon back. I have to fix this.

I kick off the blanket, undoing the fabric that has become entangled around my legs and slipping clumsily out of Jungkook's bed. As soon as my sock-clad feet hit the floor, I'm reaching for my shoes and hurriedly jamming them on as quickly as possible.

Maybe if I move fast enough, I can catch him before he gets too far.

I whip open the door and dash down the corridor, my scattered mind having forgotten whether or not I had closed the door behind me. The soles of my converse release high-pitched squeaks as I dart down the hallway, dim lights igniting my path as I slip through corridor after twisted corridor without paying much attention to where my feet are guiding me. All I know is that wherever I'm heading, I'm obviously heading there for a reason. By now, I'm mostly used to the sudden twists and dim steps that nearly plummet with each footstep, the layout having been engraved in my mind as I've walked these halls too many times to count at this point.

I jog down a winding staircase of pitch-black, my thudding footsteps aligning with the nervous thumping of my heart slamming against my ribcage. Where could he be? I know the palace is large but this is ridiculous. I scowl, shooting off down another hallway as soon as my feet hit the landing.

The lower in the kingdom of Hell that I travel, the further the temperature drops. The air begins to turn frigid, nipping at the exposed skin on my legs that I had carelessly forgotten to cover before leaving. The coldness bites at my bones, seeping through the thick fabric of my shorts and my tank top and soaking into my blood, seemingly freezing it as I venture deeper into the icy kingdom.

I push open a set of double doors, my muscles tightening as I struggle against the obsidian doors weighed down with titanium reinforcements, and freeze as the room before me suddenly explodes with a barrage of sound.

Before me, a mass of male demons writhes in the midst of a room, shoving and jostling one another as they circle into a deformed ring, their eyes alight with hungry excitement as they turn their glowing eyes of several different hues to the hollow center of the group. Hollers and taunting shouts ring out, intertwining with one another as they fight for their voice to be audible above the others. I stiffen as I notice that they all tower over me by at least one head, the shortest one outweighing me by at least fifty pounds while they all share identical, bloodthirsty glints in their wide eyes. Completely undisturbed or oblivious to my entrance, they continue to scream over one another as the demons in the back struggle to catch a glimpse of whatever is occurring in the very center of the room.

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