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"What can who really do?"

The door is suddenly whipped open and Jungkook darts back into the room, a storm already brewing in the midst of those intricate crimson eyes, indicating that he had caught the tail end of Namjoon's statement. Yoongi trails after him more slowly, closing the door softly in his wake before turning an icy, knowing glare on Namjoon.

Taehyung untangles himself from me at the sight of Jungkook and shuffles away to take a seat on the bed, having served his purpose. Namjoon inches closer to me, plastering a smile onto his lips that's composed of faux innocence as he beams at the suspicious younger man. I shift away in sheer disgust and shoot him a deadly glare that's laced with enough poison to kill a small child.

"Oh, nothing." Namjoon brushes off the accusatory glare Taehyung is directing towards him with a smile. "(Y/N) and I were just having a friendly conversation."

"Is that so?" Jungkook muses stiffly, catching a brief glimpse of the wicked glower I had bulleted at Namjoon. "So, what were you talking about?" Without breaking eye contact with his slightly flustered hyung, he moves behind me and encompasses my waist with his muscular arms, pulling my back flush against his hard chest and keeping me there. I inhale sharply as I feel his bulge--that he apparently hadn't taken care of--press solidly against my tailbone as he slightly grinds his hips forward. Without missing a beat, he promptly rests his chin lightly atop my head and shoots a warning look at a mildly irritated Namjoon.

"O-Oh! What did we talk about?" Namjoon splutters, obviously not expecting to be placed under further questioning. He blinks pleadingly at me for aid, but I simply look away and wink subtly at a snickering Yoongi, who in turn gives me a quick thumbs-up.

"Do you mind sharing?" Jungkook's grip tightens as he blinks innocently at the older man.

"It was really nothing important," Namjoon dismisses his question with a lazy wave of his hand.

"Then you should have no issue with telling me what you were talking about with her." Jungkook counters, earning a small giggle that bubbles up from my chest.

Namjoon glances at Yoongi, who is silently chortling until a single tear of laughter leaks from his eye, and visibly realizes that no one is going to come to his aid. "Hey, I have something I need to do, so I'll just come back later." Without waiting for an answer, he spins around and makes a beeline straight for the door.

"Or not." Jungkook offers, shrugging.

"What?" Namjoon freezes.

"It's clear that you've made (Y/N) uncomfortable, and since she will be residing with me, I would prefer if you did not come over to my room anymore." Jungkook explains politely. "And I say this as politely as possible: stay the fuck away from my angel."

It's at this moment that Taehyung emits a sudden shriek of laughter that jolts my body in surprise, his body caving in on itself as he dissolves into withheld giggles. Namjoon flushes a deep shade of red and glances yearningly for the door.

"If that's what you wish." He dips his head and, without another word, turns away and exits the room with his head slightly lowered and his fists clenched.

The door closes behind him with a soft click and I feel Jungkook's body relax against as soon as the threatening element has disappeared. Taehyung and Yoongi are too busy howling with laughter to notice when Jungkook's demeanor change once more.

"Are you okay?" Jungkook mumbles against my hair, nuzzling his face into the silky locks in genuine concern. "Did he hurt you?"

I shake my head, a warm joy humming in my stomach at the prospect of Jungkook being this soft and kind towards me. My hand reaches back and traces along his virile jawline with a feather-soft touch, sensing his body locking up against my touch. Due to his sudden shift, my fingers slip to accidentally caress the baby-soft skin beneath his jawline and he releases a sharp gasp that's closely pursued by a low growl that rumbles like thunder in his chest.

Silver Wings {Jungkook x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now