Chapter 1:

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       I was 9 when I first met Peter Parker. He was playing on the playground while mommy held my hand. She was talking to some lady about some boy. Ew boys they have cooties, or so I thought at the time. "Mommy can I go play?" "Not now honey" she said as she then continued talking to the lady. I on the other hand kept watching the boy.

     He had brown hair with brown eyes and a funny shirt on. "Peter time to go!" Suddenly the boy got up and ran our way, stopping next to the lady. He just grabbed her hand and smiled up at her. "Peter this is Riley" the lady said as she pointed to me. "Riley this is Peter." "H-hi" said the boy as he waved at me. All I did was hide behind my mom, to shy to even say a word.

      "Mommy why is she scared of me" asks Peter. "Oh baby Riley is just shy   Don't worry she will warm up to you." Whether I knew it or not back then she was right.

      Mommy took me to the playground again the next day. When we got there I saw Peter sitting on one of the benches with his mom. He looked at me and waved, I looked at him and hid. "Riley why don't you go say hi to Peter." I shake my head no as I continue to hide. Mommy doesn't say anything to me after that and just pulls me with her to join them.

      Eventually Peter runs off to play while I continue to sit. Days came and went, each of them consisting of the same things, me sitting and Peter playing. One day all of that changed though. Peter was walking around the playground when these big kids came up and pushed him, making him fall in the mulch.

       They started to call him names and poke fun at him.

       With out anyone noticing I run to him and stand in front of the fallen boy. "Leave him alone! Go pick on someone your own size!" The group of boys left and I turn to face Peter. There were small hints of tears in his eyes. "Hey don't cry, it will be okay" I say as I grab his hand. He just sniffles and looks at me. "Thank you." I just smile and help him up.

      After that Peter and I played for hours, giggling and smiling. We even played a game of tag which was my favorite game. Then we raced to the swings, I won. "Kids time to go!" Peter and I looked at one another, "race you there" he says as sprints off. "Hey not fair" I say with a giggle as I chase after him.

    "Haha I beat you" he teased. "Only because you cheated" I say as I playfully punch his arm. Suddenly his mom takes his hand making me jump back.  "See I told you Riley would warm up to you." Peter just smiles at me and waves goodbye. From the moment on we were inseparable.

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