Chapter 29:

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~Peter's POV~

She stands outside my window with damp, flushed cheeks. "Dream again?"I ask. She nods and climbs through my window. "Come here."I say softly. She looks at me with this little pouty face and wraps her arms around my neck. I wrap mine tightly around her small waist as I attempt to comfort her. It's seems to work as I feel her slowly begin to relax under my touch.

This sudden feeling bubbles up from somewhere inside me making me just crave her. I slowly pull away from her and look deep into those emerald eyes of hers. Every time I look into those eyes I get lost in them, it's almost like I'm about to drown. My mouth and nose are just barely stay above the surface, if I look in them to long I might drown.

Slowly I pull her in, close my eyes and kiss her lips. It starts out slow and passionate but slowly increases to the point where I'm pressing her against the wall. Every inch of me craves her, my hands move to her hips, tightly gripping them while hers run through my hair. We stay this way for a few minutes before she slowly pulls away. "We should probably get some sleep, we have our field trip tomorrow." I blush at how breathless she slightly is.

She sleeps soundly for the rest of the night thankfully. I on the other hand lay there and try to think about what all of this could mean. Why is this all happening? What is making this all happen? I mean there must be a reason, right? Eventually my mind calms down and I'm able to drift off to sleep.

      The annoying sound of my alarm goes off after what feels like 15 minuets of sleep. Really. Riley groans and shifts as the displeasing sound. Suddenly my door creaks open revealing May. "Peter time to wake-oh my god!"she yells as her eyes fall on the other figure in my bed. "I'm so sorry." "No May wait.." I'm cut of by her hustling out of my room and closing my door.

      I look to my beautiful girlfriend who is now awake do to May's shriek, we turn to each other and just start to laugh. After about a minute she just smiles and climbs out of my bed. "Where are you going?" "Back to my place, I need to change my clothes." "Don't you have clothes here?" "Umm no."she says in a matter of fact tone. "Just meet me in 10 okay?" With that she pecks my cheek and climbs back out my window.

      Just as I'm about to knock on her door it swings open revealing her small frame. Today she wears tight ripped jeans and a black tank top. "Would you stop starring? We are going to be late."she says as she playfully punches me. I can't help but chuckle as I follow her.

      Attendance seems to take ages as we wait to board the bus. "Are you ready for this?!"asks Ned excitedly. "I'm excited because it gets us out of class."says Riley. I playfully roll my eyes warning Another punch. "Ow. Hey you're starting to get too rough." She just sticks her tongue out and says "oh please I have seen you take worse." I smirk knowing exactly what she is talking about.

      "Let's go they are letting us on!" Ned tugs on the two of us as he is ready to just sprint on the bus. Riley plops down next to me and places some headphones in her ears. I sigh as I begin to slouch in the seat, allowing Riley to rest her head on my shoulder. For most of the ride I tune everything out and just rest until my senses begin to tingle sending the hair on my arms up. Just as this happens Riley jumps up and looks from me to the window. Looking closely I can see the hair on the back of her neck standing, her nails beginning to grow.

      My gaze flows her to see this giant circular ship of some sort in the sky. "Ned."I say as I start to tap him. "Hey I need you to cause a distraction." "Holy shit, we're all gonna die!"he panics as he sees exactly what we do. Everyone leaps from their seats and rushes to the back of the bus. I see my chance to throw on my web-shooters and climb out the window, Riley in tow.

      She clings to my side as I cling to the bus putting my mask on. "Ready?" "Nope." With that I let go of the bus and web our way to the action.

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