Chapter 41:

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~Peter's POV~

The air just seems unusually dry right now, it just seems as if it wasn't moving. That's when dark thunderous clouds begin to roll in. "Something is happening."says mantis just before she turns to dust. Oh no, they couldn't stop him. "Quil?"I hear Drax anxiously say before he to vanishes. With bewilderment on his face Star-lord turns to Mr.Stark and I. Fear fills his eyes as small bits of him float away.

"Steady Quil."Mr.Stark tries to comfort. "Oh man." Just like that he was gone. Then this really strange feeling begins entering my stomach but the doctors voice grabs what's left of my attention. "There was no other way." Poof gone. The feeling just gets worse and worse. I feel sick enough to puke or cry but I can't. My senses can feel what coming and are trying to prevent it.

"Mr.Stark, I don't feel so good." "You're gonna be alright."he says but the fear in his voice tells me that I'm not. I take a step but begin to stumble and cling onto him like a pair of wet clothes. "I don't want to go, I don't want to go Mr.Stark please."I plead as I begin to cry, "please I don't want to go." My body can no longer handle my weight as I fall to the ground. I scream out for her but our link is beginning to fade as it gets severed. She can't hear me.

No please not yet! I have to say goodbye! I have to tell her I love her! I have to say goodbye please! In my head I can hear the broken bits of her screaming for me but there is nothing I can do. Small parts of me begin drifting away, my eyes jump from them to Tony. "I'm sorry."

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