Chapter 2:

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Here we are 6 years later, attending the same school, living in the same apartment building in Queens, walking home together. The sounds of the city bustling by as we make our way home. "Look at this" shouts Peter with excitement. I give him a confused look as I watch him run into an alleyway.

"Riley come look at this." "What Peter?" "Come here and look" he yells again, excitement lacing his voice.

I chuckle as I follow the sound of his voice echoing off the brick buildings. He stood by a tin garbage can when I find him. There is this giant smile on his face as he points to something. I follow his finger and see this perfectly good DVD player sitting on top of the giant tin can. "Haha well take it" I say turning and looking at him, "it's not like you haven't done it before."

He smiles "yeah you're right." I smile at him as he picks up the player. That smile quickly fades when I hear this loud banging coming from deep inside one of the buildings. "Can we go now Peter? This place kinda freaks me out" I say as is feel the hair stand up on the back of my neck. "Of course" he says as he collects himself and wraps his arm around me in a reassuring manner.

Eventually we are riding in the elevator up to his apartment together. He and I are planning on going doing homework and doing other fun things together. The complex smells of this strange scent. It's this metallic sort of smell mixed with the over powering smell of cologne.

The closer we got to Peter's apartment the stronger the smell became. "Hey are you okay" ask Peter as he nudges my shoulder. "Yeah I'm fine" I say with a smile.

I listen to the sound of his keys jingling as he unlocks the door. "Hey May" we both say at the same time. "Hey how was school?" "Boring" I chirp. "It was okay. There is this crazy car parked out..." That's when I turn and look to see what was going on. There he was, Tony Stark was sitting on on Peter's couch in his living room.

Shock consumes me as that scent fills my nose. I guess it makes sense that he smells that way. I mean he does where that suit like all the time.

"Oh Mr.Parker." "Um, wh-what are you doing....hey! Uh, I-I'm Peter." It's kinda funny how Peter's nervousness just radiates off him. I remain silent though. There voices become muffled as I focus on Peter's nerves. I'm snapped out of it when I hear May say something about a grant. "The September foundation, remember when you applied" questions Mr.Stark. "Yeah" Peter says nervously. "I approved, so now we're in business."

Oh wow, Peter did it! I'm so happy for him. My heart pounds with excitement for Peter, but at the same time it hurts just slightly. I'm happy for him, I really am but soon he will be on to bigger and better things. He will eventually be to busy for me and forget about me.

"Wow congrats Pete!" "Thanks Riley" he says as he hugs me tightly. "Haha well I'll leave you guys to talk business. Talk to you later Pete, bye May." With that I wave goodbye and leave.

I jump in the elevator and take some deep breaths, trying to calm my mind. Then I hear this deep voice behind me as I unlock my apartment. "You're The Wolf aren't you." I sigh at the name the people of Queens gave me. " Who wants to know?" " I would." I know I have heard that voice somewhere and then it hits me. "What can I do for you Captain" I say as I turn around.

" My team needs someone like you." "Someone like me? What the hell is that supposed to mean?!" "Look can we just go inside and I will explain more." I just give him a nod and walk inside.

"My team could use your help. We are trying to avoid a war on this issue but if there is one I want you to be standing by my side." I sigh as I set down my bag and face him. "Why me? Out of all the genetically modified people why me?" "You're the only hybrid that can do what you do." "Seriously out of the hundreds of people I'm the only one that can do what I do?!"

I shouldn't be able to do what I do. I think for a minute and look at him. "Okay I'll help you." He nods and says "great that settles it, pack your bags kid we are going to Berlin." "You're lucky my parents are out of town for a month." That night I got on a plain with Steve Rodgers and flew to Berlin.

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