Chapter 9:

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I lay in bed watching the news about Delmars. It's crazy to think Peter and I were just there. Suddenly my phone buzzes and I hear tapping on my window. I don't even need to check my phone or look to see who it is, I already know the answer to that. "You can come in Peter!" I hear the window slide open and his feet on the floor. "How was dinner with May?"

"Interesting. We talked about larb a lot, then we talked about Delmars." "Yeah I was just watching that on the news. It's crazy to think about honestly." He just looks from the screen to me. "May was telling me that if I see stuff like that I should turn and run, but that is a little hard to do." I laugh a little and look at him. "Well it's not like you will be doing it alone."

He smiles at me then turns away. "So I heard you quit the academic decathlon."I say Suddenly. "I had too, what if Mr.Stark needs me?" This sigh seems to escape my body. "Peter I know Spider-Man seems like the most important thing right now but it's not. Sometimes Peter needs to come before Spider-Man." He nods but doesn't look at me.

     Then this idea pops into my mind. Swiftly I stand and make my way over to the DVD rack. "What are you doing?" "You'll see." I place the CD in the player and climb back in bad. The Star Wars theme song plays and Peter's face lights up. "Awe you know me so well."he says with a smile. "Who are you again?"I ask. "You suck."he says as he gently hits me with a pillow. We laugh and then after about an hour my eyelids start to feel heavy. Then the darkness comes.

     "Riley. Riley wake up." I feel someone nudging me so I open my eyes. Turns out I fell asleep ON PETER'S CHEST! How could I have done that? Wait, why didn't he push me off or just leave? At this point I try to act normal as I speak, "Peter? What are you still doing here? I thought you would have left by now." I see him look down at me and smile. "You fell asleep, I didn't want to wake you." This warm fuzzy feeling enters my stomach that's when I notice the clock. "We should start getting ready."I say. He just looks at me and nods in agreement.

"See you in about 10."says Peter as he climbs out my window. I roll my eyes playfully and smile at him. Has that boy ever heard of using the door?

In exactly 10 minutes he is there waiting at my door. "You take so long." "My bad I can't shoot webs to grab my clothes." "Well that's your problem." I push him out of the door way so we ca start our walk towards Ned's.

After walking for about 15 minutes we finally make it to Ned's place. As we walk we end up across the street from Delmars. The conversation about how Peter was bitten by a radioactive spider came to an end as we gazed at the charred building, parts still smoking from being recently put out. "Woah, you were here?"questions Ned with an uneasy tone. "Yeah." "You could have died." Just hearing that sends chills to my bones. "Do you lay eggs?" Peter and I just bust out laughing. "What? No."says Peter. Just Ned's reaction alone gets Peter and I to laugh even harder.

~Hours Later~

Ned been asking the both of us tons of questions all day. It's honestly supper annoying. Like I understand he is curious but still. The gym period finally starts and I find out that we are doing these like fitness test things. Unfortunately I get selected to be apart of the running group. Lucky me.

Every time I pass the boys on the sit up mats I hear Ned ask more questions and my annoyance in Peter's voice. "Riley slow down, you're running extremely fast. You have already lapped Flash and the others twice."Peter states through our mind link. I listen to Peter and slow my pace. In the end I still end up finishing before the others. I think Flash got his name for his mouth because it obviously wasn't for his speed.

I'm walking a cool down lap when out nowhere I hear "Peter knows Spider-Man!" Well shit.

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