Chapter 33:

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~Peter's POV~

"Wow you are seriously one loyal piece of outerwear aren't you?" Questions Mr.Stark as he points his handgun at the weird cape thing. "Yeah uh speaking of loyalty..."I begin as I slowly lower myself down from the rafters. "What the..." "I know what you're gonna say." "You should not be here."he interrupts.

"I was gonna go home..." "I don't want to hear it." "But it was such a long way down and I just thought about you on the way...." "And now I gotta hear it."he interjects again. God does he ever shut up? Now I understand what Pepper has to deal with. "I kinda got stuck to the side of the ship, and this suit is ridiculously intuitive, by the way." "God damn it." "I mean if anything it's kinda your fault that I'm here."

I regret those words the minute they slip past my lips. He just stands there and gives me almost the same look he did when he took my suit, but slightly different, maybe not as stern. "What did you say?" "I-I take that back, a-and now I'm here in space."I say as I slightly begin to cower. The thought of me allowing myself to cower like this bugs me.

Mr.Stark hasn't done anything to me yet here I am. Riley never cowered to him or really to anyone for that matter, at least that I know of. "Yeah right were I didn't want you to be."he snaps as he steps closer to me. Hold your ground Peter. "This isn't Coney Island, this isn't some field trip you're on with all your friends and your girlfriend. This is a one way ticket, you hear me? Don't pretend you thought this through."

"No I did think this through."I rebuttal. "I know you didn't because if you did you wouldn't have left your girlfriend down there alone, so you couldn't have possibly thought this through." His words give me the confidence I need to stand up to him finally. "You can't be a friendly neighborhood Spider-Man if there's no neighborhood."

Well that got his attention. With a shaky breath all he manages to say is "come on, we have a situation." I simply just nod and follow him, remaining hidden the whole time. "He's right though. I know for a fact that you didn't think this through." I jump at the sound of her voice in my head. "Jesus Christ Riley." "Hahaha scares you didn't I Parker." "Shut up."I say as I try to hide my blush.

"No one was talking to you."says Mr.Stark as he turns around. "What? No not you."I say to him as I point to my head. He seems to understand what I'm talking about and turns back around. "He is right though Peter, this could be dangerous. Be careful up there okay?" I sigh knowing that the two of them are right.

"I'm sorry to cut our talk short babe but I have to go, Mr.Stark needs me. Stay safe okay? I'll be home soon, I promise." "You better Parker."and just like that she's gone. "Alright stop being a boyfriend for a minute, see him down there?"Stark begins to question. "He's in trouble, what's your plan?" "Okay, Okay....uh....okay, did you ever see this really old movie, Aliens?"

~A/n ~

       Sorry guys I know this is a super short chapter but the next one will be longer I promise. I hope everyone had a happy new year and btw I saw into the spider verse 10/10 recommend. Thanks for love and support everyone. Please don't forget to vote and why not comment, I love reading people's comments. ✌🏼



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