Chapter 35:

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~Riley's POV~

       My heart pounds as I feel everything Peter does. Bolts of electricity course through my veins making me scream out in pain. My body makes harsh contact with the cold floor of the ship as we continue making our way to our destination. "Wolf!"Cap falls out clearly alarmed by the sudden out burst. I can feel the roughness and the warmth of his hands as the grip my arms. No words can be formed as the pain just continues, then as if by magic it stops. It was almost as if nothing happened at all.

     My breathing then begins to go back to normal as Cap just looks at me clearly confused. "What the hell was that?"he gasps as if he was holding his breath. "I can feel everything Peter feels."I tell him. "Who's Peter?" "Spider-Man."I say matter of factly. This giddy feeling then enters my stomach as if I was some girl meeting her celebrity crush. I mean he is a celebrity but everyone knows him as Spider-Man where as I know him as Peter.

      "Everyone stay where you are, chill the eff out."is all I can hear as I link to him again. The hair on the back of my neck then begins to rise as a low growl leaves my throat. I can feel the tightness around his torso and neck as the voice continues. "I'm going to ask you this one time, where is Gamora?" Who the hell is that? Suddenly Stark speaks up, "yeah I'll do you one better, who's Gamora?" "I'll do you one better, why is Gamora?" Wow whoever that is a idiot.

      My instinct begins to feel as if it was taking over, the Wolf clawing to come out but I need to control myself. "Let's do it! You shoot my guy and I'll blast him. Let's go!"Stark yells. "What is going on?!"I snap as I enter our shared link. "Now really isn't a good time Riley."he mutters. Another low growl escapes me as I just sit there and continue to listen.

      Steve watches me carefully, his eyes tracing every movement I make. His hand now gently grasping mine. I can sense that he knows something is wrong. "Alright let me ask you this one time,"announces the wizard, "What master do you serve?" "What master do I serve? What am I supposed to say Jesus?" Wow. "You're from Earth."Stark says clearly annoyed.

      "I'm not from Earth, I'm from Missouri." "Wow this guy is dumb."I say to Peter. I can't hear him stifle a laugh in his throat at my words. "Yeah that's Earth dipshit." "So you're not with Thanos?"Peter nervously asks. "With Thanos? No, I'm here to kill Thanos, he took my girl, wait who are you guys?" "We're the Avengers man."Peter says with this small amount of excitement in his voice.

     A small chuckle escapes me as I begin to calm down and relax. "Everything okay?"Steve asks. "It is now."I tell him, leaving it at that. Nat's gentle voice interjects grabbing our attention. "Cap, we're here." After that every other conversation coms to a halt. Yet for some reason my Wolf is still clawing to come out.

      Swiftly I make my way to the back of the ship for everyone's safety and phase. They all stop what they are doing and watch me carefully, their eyes now scanning my now white fur. "Are you sure everything is okay?"Cap asks again. Very carefully I make my way into his head, "I don't know but something is telling me to do this." He doesn't say anything else and just turns back to the others.

     Suddenly I feel the decline of the ship making me jump and stand at attention. It finally makes contact with the ground and opens the hatch. Sunlight pores in as a familiar scent enters my nose, that's when it hits me on why I needed to phase. Black Panthers stands before us, tall and proud with a bunch of guards surrounding him. My hair immediately stands on end.

     "Riley I would like you to officially meet king  T'challa. This time you don't have to fight him because he is on our side." I look from the king to Steve and bow. "Pleasure to officially meet you you're highness." He gives a simple nod and smile before turning to a now bowing Dr.Banner. "We don't really do that here."he calmly stated. Rhody laughs a little but I don't really find it that amusing.

      "How we looking?"Natasha asks. "You will have the Kings guard, the boarder trio, the Doramilaje (that's probably totally spelled wrong sorry guys was just guessing) and..." "And a semi-stable 100 year old man."Bucky's voice picks up.

      This burst of excitement consumes me as I run to him. My now human body practically tackles him. This deep chuckle leaves him as he tightly hugs me. "Well hello to you too." We just remain silent as we continue to embrace. "It's good to see you Buck."Steve laughs as he breaks the silence. I can practically hear the smile on his face. "Even though I would really hate to break up the best friend reunion, we have a war to fight."says Steve. I turn to Bucky who just shrugs and smiles at me before we head inside.

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