Chapter 4:

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     We sit in silence in this old Volkswagen Beetle while Cap talks with some blonde. I sit and listen to their conversation. Then I watch as they pop the trunk on her car revealing the shield and Sam's wings. "Can you move your seat?"ask Bucky. "No."Sam says bluntly. "Ass."I say to myself. Apparently it was louder than I thought, "You better watch your mouth."he snaps as he turns in his seat. "Fight me."

       All he does is grumble and turns back in his seat. Bucky wears a smile when I look at him. "What?"I asked in a confused manner. "You are just one hell of a feisty girl." I chuckle a little and say "so I've been told." He smiles again and rest his arm on top of the seats.

     Eventually Cap stops lip locking with the blonde and joins us in the car. Bucky and Sam congratulate him on the blonde while I just put my headphones in as we head to the airport.

     Once we arrive we meet up with this white van. Out steps some girl and the one and only Hawkeye. My heart pounds at his sight. Hawkeye was my favorite Avenger before he retired. I have always admired his archery skills. All of us step out to greet them. "Wow Hawkeye i-its an honor! I'm a big fan."I say as I excitedly shake his hand. "Hahaha well I'm honored kid."he says.

       The excitement that fills me makes it difficult for me to listen to the conversation. The only thing I picked up was the the girl's name which is Wanda and the other guy's name is Scott. Suddenly this alarm goes off peaking out interest. "Suit up" says Cap. I just stand there since I'm already ready.  "I'm going to need the big one."says Steve. All I do is simply nod and start to walk away but he grabs my wrist.

      "What?" "Stay hidden, wait for my signal."

     I pace back and fourth just waiting for the signal, no one knows who I am or what I look like so this will definitely be a shock. Nothing much happens at first, they just talk but something flying through the air, catches my eye. "Hey everyone." That voice sounds a lot like Peter's.

     This whistle echoes through my ears, guess that's the signal. Slowly I step from the shadows and into the light. Gasps erupt from their mouths. "Damn."I hear Spider-Man say to himself. "That's not all I can do."I say as I make my in to his head. "What the hell was that?!" "Me dumbass, I'm inside your head." I tell him as I take a step closer too him. "Steady."says Cap.

     Suddenly Steve throws his webbed hands up in the air as I watch an arrow slice right through them. "Guys I think there is something wrong with-". Spider-Man takes the first hit from Scott aka Antman and falls to the ground. I can't help but laugh.

     "Sucker." I say through the mind link. Everyone disperses from that point and heads in all sorts of directions. "Go after that Spider thing."says Cap. "With pleasure." I let out a quick howl and I'm off. My paws hit the pavement like thunder rolling over the land. He swings just above me, my jaws  snap at his legs in attempts to grab him.

      "Ahh!" he screams as I just barely miss. Shit. "Better luck next time mutt!"he says before smashing through a window. "Watch yourself Spider-Boy." I say in the mind link. After that I head back towards the fight to help. There is a man dressed like a cat quietly sleeking towards Hawkeye.

      Before this cat guy even gets the chance I leap on him. His nails dig into my shoulders as I try not to whimper in pain. Then out of now where I start to laugh like a crazy person. "Haha awe is the little kitty scared."I say in a baby voice. Then I hear this shriek fill my ears. I look over and watch Spider-Man fall from a building. I just roll my eyes and continue.

     "Come on" shouts Cap catching all of our interest. I push off the cat and catch up with the others. Suddenly this beam of god knows what hits the ground shattering it right in front of our feet. What the hell?! My eyes drift up to the sky to see this red man floating above us. Pretty soon after that we are faced with Iron Man and the others.

    Before I even know it we are all charging ahead. I charge right for Spider-Man, he is going to regret calling me a mutt. He tries to jump over me but little does he know I saw it coming. I clamp down on his foot and pull him down to the ground. He groaned in pain as he rolls over and tries to stand. I have other plans in mind and place my paw on his chest.

     I bare my teeth and lean closer to his face. BAM! A yelp escapes my lips as I make contact with the pavement. Iron Man totally just blind sided me! Swiftly I stand ready to chase after bug boy but that cat dude had other plans. He leaps on my back, nails cutting deep into my flesh as I scream from the stinging pain. He scratches my shoulder, slicing it like a hot knife through butter.

    I thrash around, trying every way I can think of to get him off of me. It's no use, he clings to me even tighter. Suddenly the sound of a webs pieces though the air and the weight of the man is gone. Sadly as he fell he cut my back. I take a deep breath trying to hold back my cries as I look at the sky and watch the red and blue figure swing by. There is just a slight moment of silence as I look at my white fur now stained red. The only thing I can hear is the dripping sound of the deep red sticky blood hitting the ground.

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