Chapter 31:

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~Riley's POV~

"You take care of him."I say to Stark, cutting Peter out of the mind link. "Bring him home, bring him back to me." "I will Riley, now go find Dr. Banner. He is somewhere close to the park." From there I don't say anything else and head back to the park.

I watch this swirling circle of orange sparks open as a man in a strange robe steps inside. "I'm gonna make a call."says a dark haired man. "Dr.Banner?" Both of the men jump back in fright at the sight of me. I swear my eyes just naturally roll at this point. The man in the robe closes the circle leaving me with the dark hairs man.

He trembles as I calmly sit in front of him. "Dr. Banner my name is Riley, I'm a friend of Tony Stark and Steve Rodgers." "How are you talking to me? What happened between them?" I sigh as my eyes drift towards the ground as the wind softly blows through my white fur. "I can communicate with you by linking my mind with yours." "That doesn't answer my other question though, what happened between Tony and Steve?" "You have a lot of catching up to do but for now I will take you wherever you need to go and tell you anything you want as long as you make that call."

I lay comfortably on the couch, eyes closed tightly as I listen to Rhodes and some government dude argue. At this point the man's voice has become extremely irritating. "I remember your signature on those accords Colonel." "That's right, and I'm pretty sure I payed for that." I can tell you one thing even though Rhodes and I aren't close I still don't like that guys talking to him like that.

I can't take the bickering any more and decide to give him a piece of my mind. "Who the hell do you think you are?"I snap as the man looks at me shocked. "Wolf I thought you were in hiding, arrest her."he demands. "Don't you dare speak to him like that. He nearly died for your damn accords and this is how you repay him! Maybe you should get off your high horse and just try to think about what people like us do to save your ass, along with everyone else's. So don't you dare even think that you life is worth more than his because it should have been you wearing those braces."

The man responds by taking a few steps back when this sudden sound peeks all of our interest. A bearded Captain America and a blond Black widow march in with Vision, Wanda, and Sam. My eyes grow wide with excitement as I see my old friends. "Cap!"I cheer like a little kid. Everyone turns to me as I shed my tough exterior and run to him, wrapping my arms around him. "Wolf!"he exclaims as a hugs me tightly. He then turns to Rhodes and the man.

I stand in front of Cap as the man looks to all of us. "You got some nerve."says the man. This low growl escapes my throat as he steps closer. He seems to heed my warning and takes a step back. Cap places a heavy hand on my shoulder but the hair on the back of my neck remains raised. "You could use some of that right now."says Natasha. "The world is on fire and you think all is forgiven."says the man. Cap's deep voice rumbles from behind me as he speaks, "I'm way pass asking permission."

They just stair each other up and down like two dogs ready to fight over a piece of steak. "Earth just lost its best defender, so we're here to fight and if you want to stand in our way then we'll fight you too." His eyes find mine as I growl again and stand my ground. "Arrest them." "All over it."says Rhodes. With that he ends the call and turns to us. "Great to see you Cap." I watch as the two of them embrace. "You guys really look like crap. Must have been a rough couple of years."

"Yeah well the hotels weren't exactly five stars."interjects Sam. A small chuckle escapes my lips as I look back at him. "God look how you've grown kid. Your old now."says Sam. "What's your excuse then." "That's my girl."he laughs as he hugs me. "I think everyone looks great." Everyone's head snaps to attention as we look at Dr. Banner. "Yeah I'm back." "Hi Bruce."Nat's voice comes out quite. He gives a small nod as he says her name, "Nat." "Well this is awkward."whispers Sam. I chuckle as I playfully punch him.

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