Chapter 5:

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~Peter's POV~

       I know those eyes from somewhere. Her bright green eyes seemed like she was peering into my soul. I heard her soft cries of pain when she got attacked by Black Panther. I knew I needed to help even though we were on different sides.

     I shoot my webs at him and pull him off, only to injure her more. Her white fur was now mostly red as she struggled to keep her balance to look at me. She gave me a simple nod as a sign to thank me. I land just as the ant dude becomes a giant. "Holy shit!"I shout as I stumble back at the sight.

     Then I see her out of the corner of my eye. She still stumbles a little but some how manages to keep her balance. I turn my head just slightly and see just how deep and sever her wounds are. She is hurt and hurt bad, but I can't focus on her right now. I shoot my webs from my web shooters and start to swing around his legs.

      Mr. Stark and the other guy seem to catch on to my idea and knock the big guy down. "Yes!" WHAM! I'm hit by his massive hand and thrown into some wooden crates.

      God I feel like I was hit by and train then run over by a bus. Pieces of the crates lay scattered everywhere. Then I feel these cold metal hands grab me so I start to fight back. "Whoa same team." "Oh, hey man" I say realizing it was Mr. Stark. "Hi, you're done." "What?! No Mr. Stark I'm fine." "You're done. Don't make me call aunt May." With that he leaves. "Wait Mr. Stark, I'm good" I say as I pull my mask back over the rest of my face and struggle to stand. "I'm good I'm, I'm done."

     I lay on the ground and try to breath. This deep growl catches my attention. There she was, walking towards me. Shit, I try to scoot away but it just hurts so much. Her massive paw lands on my chest forcing me back on the ground. She lowers her head and that's when something shining catches my attention. That's when I notice it is the wolf necklace dangling from her neck. It's the same one that I got Riley for her birthday a few years ago. I know it's hers because I customized that necklace.

      "Riley?" She stops and just looks me dead in the eyes. "It's me."I say as I slowly remove my mask. "Peter?" "Yeah it's me." Slowly she removes her paw and stands beside me. We share a moment of silence. "I'm so sorry for everything." She doesn't look at me, she just remains silent. Then her head perks up and looks to the sky. I follow her gaze and see someone plummeting towards earth.

      Just before he makes impact Riley throws herself over me. Debris flies everywhere but she remains as still as stone. She saved me.

      Suddenly a huge rock comes flying and hits her on the side of her head. A yelp escapes her lips as she falls to the side, changing into the girl I have come to know over many years. I sit up and gently place my hand on her head. Riley opens her eyes and lets a small groan slip from her lips. "Hey Pete."she says with a small smile. "Funny seeing you here."

     I chuckle a little until I feel this hard impact on my chest. Mr.Stark stood in between her and I. "Gentleman don't forget this one." "Mr.Stark wait-" Before I could say another word she was already seized in their arms. I watch her struggle to free herself from their grasp. "Let go of me!" Panic starts to consume me. "Mr.Stark you can't be serious." "Oh but I am." "I know her, she's my best friend. Please just let her go. Let me take her home." "Sorry kid she played for the wrong team."

    With that the men drag her away. There isn't a single ounce of fear in her eyes when I catch a glimpse of them. I watch as she suddenly pulls out of there grasp and starts sprinting my way. Her small arms wrap around my neck tightly. Out of instinct my arms slither around her waist, pressing her against me. "I'll see you around Peter." She is ripped from me and taken away.

    I feel this pain in my chest as I watch them walk away with my best friend. "Enjoy the rest of your day kid,tomorrow you're going home." I didn't even get to say good bye.

I get ready to board Tony's private jet but every fiber inside is screaming no. I should stay and look for Riley. Happy loads our bags while I look through the photos of Riley and I. Suddenly Mr.Stark's phone starts to ring like crazy and this uneasy look spreads across his face. "Change of plans kid."

Instead of going back home we head to this building out in the middle of the ocean. It reminds me of Alcatraz just smaller. "Parker stay behind me and don't say a word." I nod and silently followed him. After talking to some guy we walk off to this area filled with these strange cells. Every cell is filled with Cap's team including her.

She sits on a bunk behind this thick bullet proof glass. Her knees cling to her chest as her face is tucked away in her arms. She looked so broken, I just wanted to run to her and hold her safely in my arms. With out even thinking I shout "Riley!" Her head shoots up and looks around. I run to her cell and press my hands to the glass. She jumps up and places her small hands on mine. Tears spill over the edge of her eyes as she looks at me.

"Kid I told you to stay silent." I couldn't help it though, she needed me. "Please Mr.Stark you need to help her. Please set her free, she is just a kid."

He just looks at me with sadness and uncertainty filling his eyes. Water starts filling my eyes when I look back at her. Her face is calm almost emotionless. The fear that was on in her eyes has faded and disappeared.

I blink away the tears as swallow the lump in my throat. "It's going to be okay."she says softly, "I'll be okay Peter. I weakly smile and nod, "school is going to suck with out you there." "You're going to be alright Parker." She wears a fake smile and lets out a small chuckle. "Come on kid we got to go." The tears come back as I sigh and remove my hands. Her hands remain there as I see some glistening spots on her cheeks. "Goodbye Peter."

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