Chapter 10:

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I look towards Peter who is already looking at me, fear and desperation fill his eyes. Swiftly I run to his side. "Uh no I don't, no I mean..."Peter gets cut off by Ned saying "Their friends." "Yeah like coach Wilson and Captain America are friends." Oh no, this is bad. Peter stands there trying to speak but only stutters come out. Suddenly he grabs my arm from behind him, his grip tightens as he tries to find words to say.

"I've met him, yeah a couple times. It's um through the Stark internship." His grip then started to loosen on me. "Yeah I'm not really supposed to talk about it."Peter says through gritted teeth. "That's awesome, hey maybe you should invite him to Liz's party." Shut up flash.

Peter looks at me and his eyes grow wide. "Riley you're starting to growl."he says through our link. Suddenly I feel Peter's elbow dig into my side. "Ow!" I snap. I stop growling and start turning back to normal. Then out of no where Liz speaks.

"Yeah um I'm having people over tonight." "You're having a party?"Peter says breathless and through the stutter. Oh come on! Seriously she's inviting him now. "Yeah it's going to be dope. You should totally invite your personal friend Spider-Man." Peter's stutter starts to get worse. I try to comfort him by placing my hand in his. "Just breath." I say through the link.

It seems to be working until her annoying voice speaks up again. "It's okay, I know Peter is way to busy for parties anyway." "Oh come on, he'll be there right Parker?" Thankfully the bell rings before anyone else can speak. Everyone starts heading in different directions except for us. "Damn it Ned."I say as I smack him. Before he can get a word out I make my way in front of Peter.

His face is so pale, it's like he saw a ghost. "Peter look at me." I cup his face forcing him to look in my eyes. Once he is my hands find his and I gently hold them. "Just breath. We will figure it out but first you need to breath." He nods and slowly releases the breath he was holding. I watch as the color starts to return to his face. God I can't believe this. I'm going to a party, not just anyone's party, Liz Allan's party.


     We sit in May's car outside of the house. Peter's face matches the one he wore in gym class. I on the other hand tune out May's speech about Peter's flowering body and look out the window. I really don't want anything to do with this. The only reason I agreed to coming to this stupid party was to help Peter.

     With out thinking I just get out of the car and make my way towards the house. That's when I hear two more doors close behind me. "Riley wait up!"yells Peter.

       I stop and wait for the slow pokes and once they catch up we head inside what feels like the house of horrors. People fill the place, music booms through the halls. I'm busy looking around when I hear "hey Liz." Perfect. At this point I just walk away and head for the punch table. "Hey Riley." I turn around and I'm greeted with Flash in my face. "Hey Flash?" "I didn't think you were going to come."he says. Okay this is weird.

      "Want something to drink?" I point to my cup and he starts to blush. "Oh um...." "I'll talk to you some other time Flash." I say as I walk away. Out of nowhere I feel his tight grip on my wrist pulling me back. "Flash let go of me." I turn and look him dead in the eye as I yank my wrist away.

     Peter must have saw this because anger fills his eyes as he walks up to me. "You okay?" "Yeah yeah I'm fine." I admit what just happened shook me up a little but I'm not going to tell Peter, he has enough to worry about.

Suddenly a pissed off Flash calls out Peter over the mic for Spider-Man not being here. Anger fills me and Peter storms out. I shake my head and chase after him. There he sat, on the roof suit on and everything. "Peter?" He looks down at me and stops talking to himself. The anger that once filled his eyes was now replaced with sadness and uncertainty.

"Peter you don't have to do this. We can leave right now and forget all of this." He remains silent. "What Flash said was wrong but you don't need to do this for them." "I know but Liz wants Spider-Man." Just as I'm about to speak this purple explosion goes off, catching both our attention. I don't think I just run that way. "Riley! Riley wait!"

I don't wait I just keep running that is until Peter tackles me. "You can't go in there with out back up." "I'll be fine just go back to the party." "No, I'm not letting you go. I'm coming with you." I get up off the ground and nod instead of fighting with him. We run until we reach this huge golf course. Peter shoots his webs but anything for them to cling to is too far away. "I got this."I say looking at him. I'm telling you four legs are way better than two. I let out a small howl then turn to him. He looks at me in awe, I just motion to my back and he gets on.

"Hold on." I say with a chuckle. "Woah."he screams as I sprint. I admit I laughed at him as I ran.

Eventually we find where the blast came from. Funny enough it came from underneath this bridge which wasn't creepy at all. I hid behind some brush and Peter clung to the wall. There were these guys shooting the same weapons the ATM robbers had. Then Peter's phone started to ring and my heart stopped.

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