Chapter 14:

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~Peter's POV~

I sit on top of a sign hidden from the men in the van. My suit starts talking to me which catches me totally off guard. I'm so nervous, I can feel my heart pounding in my chest. I really wish Riley was here. She always seems to know what to do. No matter what she always seemed to have an idea of kind exactly what to do.

After my mishap with my web shooter and almost getting caught I catch the big bird guy chasing after this truck. I shoot my webs and swing as fast as I can to keep up. He throws down these weird purple things. They make it so he can slip in with out being noticed. I got to admit it is pretty cool.

"Hey big bird this doesn't belong to you!" He just looks at me. The fight is on and before I know it I'm in the truck. I'm going to jump out but instead I hit the hard, very hard Celling. After that everything becomes pitch black.

~Riley's POV~

The pain hasn't stopped but I do feel this very hard impact on my head. It hurt so bad that screamed. Can I not get a break?

~Peter's POV~

"You appear to have a mild concussion."says Suit Lady. "Hey so where am I right now?" "I'm not sure the container walls are hindering my sensors." "Wait a minute, they must have hijacked the truck and taken me to their evil lair."I say as I inhale deeply. "Okay Suit Lady looks like we will have to fight our way out of this one. Three, two, one!" I yell as I brace for impact.

The doors break off the container and I'm left stunned. There is nothing here except other containers! "What is this place? Suit Lady where am I?" "You're in the most secure facility on the eastern sea board, the Damage Control Storage Volt." "No! Seriously?!" I try everything to pull those doors open but nothing works. "The door will most likely be remain closed until morning." "Morning?"

After that I just make a swing out of my webs and chill. Once that gets old I start asking questions. "Hey Suit Lady I kinda feel bad calling you Suit Lady you know? I think I should give you a name, like Liz. No, no, no god that's weird. What about Karen?" "You can call me Karen if you would like." From that point I just keep going with the questions.

Then I decide to get deep with Karen since why not, there is no one else to talk to. Well I mean there is Riley but she hasn't talked to me all day or answered any of my text. Karen is all I have right now. "Should I tell Liz I'm Spider-Man?" "Who is Liz?" "Who's Liz? She's the best, she's awesome. She's umm just this girl who goes to my school, and umm yeah I really want to tell her. It's kinda weird you know to go, "Hey I'm Spider-Man." "What's weird about that?"asks Karen.

Then I start to think well what if she wants it to be someone else?

"Well what if she suspects someone like Tony Stark? Imagine how disappointed she would be when she sees me."I say with some sadness in my voice. "If I were her I wouldn't be disappointed." "Thanks Karen." Doing this makes me miss Riley even more. This is stuff she and I would talk about. That's why I don't understand what Liz means by her liking me. If she likes me then why and how would she be okay with me talking about Liz like all the time? I just don't get girls. "How long have we been here anyway?" "37 minuets." "What?!"

At this point I decide to go through the truck go see if maybe, just maybe there is something I can use to get out of here. "Hey this looks like the glory thing." "That glory thing is a chitary energy core." "Woah you mean we have been carrying around a bomb! Karen we have to get out of here!!" I immediately try calling Ned. He doesn't answer.

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