Chapter 21:

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     "Why are you here Riley?"asks my mother. "I figured since you were the one who created me then maybe just maybe you could help me with something." "No." "What?! You don't even know what it is so how can you say no?!"I snap. She just remains silent. "You sat in the corner of that room watching those men torture me. I was screaming for you to make it stop but you did absolutely nothing. Now after all this time with no contact which may I remind you is what you demanded from me, I come to ask you as your daughter to help me and you throw me away like trash."

     Her eyes are no longer looking into mine, but instead linger on the floor. "What kind of mother are you?" That catches her attention. "I gave you something others wish they could have, some dreaming they could have." Her voice is stern and cold, not like the way it used to be. She has definitely changed. My mother used to be sweet and loving, it's when she was taken everything changed. Now she rules over the people who created her.

      She was the one who sent them after me, she was the one who did this too me. He part that hurts the most about the whole situation is I remember who she was before all of this. I remember how gentle her voice was, how soft her touch was, and how she genuinely cared about others including me. Before she was a mother, now she is the creature who walks besides you in the dark. She is the monster hiding in the shadows. She will never be my mother. My mother went missing a long time ago, this is just a thing who looks like her.

      "Look can you help me or not?" Her eyes that match mine remain stern. "I'm asking you as my mother to help me." Those once stern eyes start to soften. "What do you need?" "I need to break a cycle." "What kind on cycle are we talking about here?" She sounds interested but I don't trust it for a minute. I pause for a moment, holding back the tears that I suddenly felt burn at my eyes. "A blood cycle."

The words make her head whip around and her eyes peer into my soul when those words escape my lips. She looks as if those words are forbidden, almost like I just cussed her out or something.

"What?" My mother slowly creeps over to me like a serpent slithering through blades of grass. "I can help you but only if you do something for me." Ugh, should have know there would be a price to pay. "What do you want?" "A meeting with your father." I shake my head, "no it can't be done. I have no way of contacting him."

With a sudden push I'm against the wall, her long sharp nails grasped tightly around my throat. I watch as her eyes turn a pitch black and her teeth grow incredibly sharp. Her tightening grip is slowly triggering my change. I can feel my eyes turning their shade of bright green. A growl trying to escape my throat.

"You will get a hold of your father and you will set up a meeting with him. I'm giving you 24 hours, if you fail me then I will let the blood cycle consume you and watch it eat away at you until there is nothing left." Her voice grows more demonic with each word. I gasp for air as I feel her nails dig into my flesh, slowly crushing every inch of life out of me. "Now do we have a deal daughter?" With what little air I have left I manage to say "yes."

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