Chapter 11:

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"If you're going to shoot at someone shoot at me!" Damn it Peter! "Alright."says one of the men. That's when I take action and push Peter down, taking the weapons blow. The intensity of the pain is unbearable. "Riley!"Peter yells with panic. I just ignore him and chase after the feeling white van. Peter then leaps on my back and I cry out in pain. "Riley you're hurt!" "I'll heal, now will you please web up the bad guys!"

I try my best to keep up with the van but it just hurts so much. "Riley you need to stop, you're too injured." "I got it, just keep fighting." He doesn't bother trying to protest and just keeps going. Suddenly I see one of his webs hit the back door. Peter then leaps from my back and tries making it into the van but fails, epically. His body hits the pavement and get drags, yet some how he manages to hold on. Damn it boy.

"Hold on Peter!" I yell through the link as I try to catch up. The burning sensation in my shoulder only increases be faster I go. Then the van turns a sharp corner and launches Peter into someone's yard. "Follow the van, I'll catch up!" I stop to catch a single breath and nod. We exchange one last look at each other before parting ways. The van isn't that far ahead of me by the time I catch up. One guy keeps trying to shoot at me but he's a terrible shot.

Off to the side I see Peter swinging between houses. There is finally and intersection coming up, a perfect place for him to catch up. Just as he jumps this big ass bird thing swoops in and grabs him. Shit! All I can do is stand there helplessly watching. What am I doing?! I need to save Peter. I listen for the sound of Peter's screams and follow them.

Dread fills me when I notice that we were heading towards the river. I was running so fast I thought my heart might burst. The was no faster then that. I reach the rivers edge just as the giant bird thing drops him. I watch in horror as I watch my best friend plummet towards earth.

My body doesn't seem to know what to feel when he hits the water. There is no way I could get to him in time, but I have to try. That's when I start running into the water. I'm about elbow deep when I see this flying, glowing light dive into the water. Suddenly the shoots back out and lifts Peter from the murky water.

When the figure gets closer I see that it is Iron Man. Thank god. Slowly he lowers Peter down on this play set. I change back to normal and climb up on the jungle gym. He looks so vulnerable as he sits there shivering. I'm so breathless from all that has happened that his name barely come out. Peter doesn't say anything, he just keeps focusing on Mr.Stark.

I don't say a word and just sit behind him, gently wrapping my arms around him giving him some warmth. He look at me then lowers himself so his head rest on my should and my arms warm his torso. He then places his arms on mine for extra heat. He and Mr.Stark talk for a while as I remain silent, trying to remain as invisible as possible. Once they finish I turn back into a wolf and let Peter on my back.

We are well on our way back when Peter stops me. "Riley look."he says. I look to my right and see this glowing purple thing. "What the hell is that?" I question through the link.

"I don't know, seems like some sort of power source." So Peter being Peter he takes it with us. Instead of going back to the party though we just head home. With the call we received from Ned we decided that home was the better option.

While Peter changes I lay on his bed. Then I hear "I brought some stuff for your shoulder." I look at him weakly and just nod. I'm too tired for this now. Then again my muscles feel like noodles and my shoulder burns like crazy. I don't understand why though it should of healed by now, and even if it didn't heal it shouldn't be burning this bad. "This will sting a little."says Peter as he applies some medicine. I wince at the pain and try to suck it up.

"There does that feel better?" The flames of hell are burning in my shoulder but I feel great. "Yeah, a little. Thanks." "Why don't you just stay here tonight?"he ask as he bandages me. "I just want to go home."I answer.

The party remains crystal clear in my mind. Just the way that she looks at him bugs me. "Are you sure?"he breaks my train of thought. "Umm yeah." Swiftly I stand from his bed, feeling the hot tears coming. "I'm umm just going to go home. Goodnight Parker."

With that I climb out the window and down the fire escape, not letting him say a single word. The tears have finally started to fall. God I can't stand her. Liz has everything, money, popularity, cute clothes, good grades, beauty, but she also has one thing I want so desperately. She has Peter Parker.

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