Chapter 40:

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       "I thought you were formidable machine but you're dying like any man."says this tall thin alien. "Well that's not very nice."I say as I form a link. The thing looks around obviously confused. "Surely you can do better than that."I toy, "come find me." Cap sees this as the perfect opportunity and bolts from the bushes. He tackles the lengthy creature as I rush to Vision. "Get out of here!"yells Cap.

      "Riley?"Vision questions as I let him climb on. I don't say anything but just nod. He tries to give me a smile but pain just coats his face. A sudden thud makes me jump and turn back. The alien pins Cap to the ground rendering him helpless. "He needs our help."Vision pleads.

      I know he's right but if I don't leave now then we are doomed. "Please Riley." Damnit. In a split second decision I turn back, Vision clinging to me. Some how he manages to grab the weapon this alien was using and runs it through him. A small groan slips past his lips as his body begins to hang lifelessly above Cap, Before Vision throws him.

      "I thought I told you you to leave."Cap says, his eyes jumping between the two of us. "We don't trade lives Captain." As if by magic Vision just collapses and falls from my back, the last of his strength used to save Steve. "I'm going to go find the others, stay here with him." I simply nod and sit beside him until I hear Peters voice in my head.

       "There is something you need to know."he says breathless. "What is it?" I wish I wouldn't have asked because right then and there this breeze begins to blow. Wanda burst from the tree line and runs to Vision. Immediately I stand from my seated position my hair standing in end as the air begins to change. "Thanos is on his way to you." "No, he's already here."

The conversation quickly comes to a stop as I run towards all the commotion. My eyes grow wide as they watch the giant purple man LSU's waist to Captain America. A roar leaves my throat as I run to his side. My now blood stained teeth grip and tear into his hide as Cap tries to get to his feet. Thanos lets out a bloody cry of pain before his fist collides with my side. Pain riddles my body but some how I manage to hold on. With every hit I take the more flesh I tear.

With another cry he swings and this time makes contact with my head. Blackness and pain immediately consume me. After what feels like eternity this whooshing sound enters my ears forcing me to open my eyes. My friends lay unconscious around me as a axe imbeds itself in Thanos's chest. A very pissed off Thor flies down and presses the axe even deeper.

My vision still fades in and out but I try my best to stand and fight. My body can't take it as it drops to the ground again. "I told you, you'd die for that."angrily says Thor. "You should have gone for the head."Thanos smirks. With that he snaps and everything grows silent, only slight rumbles of thunder fill the air.

"What did you do?!" He doesn't say a word before he vanishes. My heart pounds so hard as my body goes back to normal except the feeling of something very wrong in my stomach. That feeling was very much so right. All around us Wakandan soldiers begin turning to dust.

Slowly I get to my feet and join Cap at his side. "Steve?"Bucky calls out. The two of us turn to him only to see him take a single step and turn to ash. My fear turns into this sicking feeling as it begins to eat away at me. Something is wrong. It's when the feeling turns into immense pain that I know something is very very wrong.

I scream as my body falls to the ground, every muscle feeling like it's being torn away from every ligament and bone. Tear well in my eyes as I call for him, knowing exactly what's happening. "Peter! No baby please! Please don't go!"

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