Chapter 16:

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May runs up to me as soon as she sees me. It feels good to be home but my heart sinks a little when I notice Riley isn't with her. "Peter!" I immediately spin around and there she is was. Worry and panic plastered all over her face. I look to May, she just gives me a simple nod. My feet seem to get the idea before my head actually has time to turn around. Riley runs to me and basically leaps into my arms.

She is almost crying as she barres her face into my chest. "Hey, everything is okay. I'm okay." She looks up at me, her eyes big with emotion. We didn't exchange a single word, instead we just held each other. Her small arms tightly wrapped around my torso as I clutch her small body as close as I can possibly can to mine. All I can manage to say to her is "I'm sorry."

~Later that night/Riley's POV~

"What do you want now dad?"I ask with my classic annoyed tone. "Look there is some serious things we need to discuss."he demands. "Like what?" "There have been more accounts of those criminals who have been going around genetically engineering people popping up." "Okay, what about them?"this cold sweat starts to run down my neck. "I just wouldn't be able to take it if you become one of those disgusting mutants."

My jaw clenches at his words. "If you see any call me. We are terminating them right away." "Yes sir." I bite my bottom lip in attempts to keep it from trembling. It wasn't because I was on the verge of tears, well I mean it was but mostly because his words just made my blood boil. I'm his daughter yet he is willing to end me for his job. How could he?! My grip tightens on my phone as I prepare to throw it across the room.

I feel two arms wraps around me from behind before I even get the chance. His scent lingers in my nose telling me exactly who he is. "What are you doing here Peter?" "I wanted to talk to you and I figure I should keep you from throwing that phone of yours." I roll my eyes but I somehow I crack a smile. Sometimes I hate that boy, no matter how mad or upset I try to be he always finds away to make me smile.

My phone then vibrates in my loosened grip. A sigh escapes my lips when I see it's my dad. "What is it?"Peter asks as he rest his head on my shoulder. "Nothing, wrong number."I say as I toss my phone on the table. Peter just shrugs and walks over to my bed. I watch as he sits and rubs his hands on his thighs. "What's wrong?"I ask.

He just looks up at me. "I'm...I'm sorry for leaving you when you needed me. It was a really short thing to do." "Peter I'm sorry, I shouldn't have been mad at you. You had to go." He just nods, "Here let me get us something to drink, maybe that will help us." I walk off to the kitchen and turn on the faucet. Big mistake.

Water sprays all over my white shirt. "Shit!" "Everything okay?" I walk around the corner and he starts to chuckle. "Yeah, yeah."I say as I strip of my shirt, revealing my lacey black bra. Peter stops laughing and just looks at me. "What? Have you never seen a girl in a bra and shorts?" He remains silent. I slightly roll my eyes and start walking into my room. This crazy little idea pops into mind and I decide to run with it. As I walk past him I make sure to swish my hips a little.

I see him swallow hard as I bend over my dresser drawer in search of another shirt. This small smirk is plastered on my lips. I throw a v-neck on and turn around. His cheeks are flushed with blush when I look at him. "Better?" Once again he swallows hard and nods.

~Peter's POV~

I hear this splash sound come from the kitchen. "Shit!" "Everything okay?"I ask. Riley walks around the corner with a totally soaked shirt. "Yeah, yeah."she says as I laugh at her. She then crosses her arms over her stomach and pulls her shirt over her head. My mouth instantly goes completely dry and I try to swallow the lump in my throat.

I watch as she makes her way to her dresser, swaying her hips with each step. She puts on another shirt and looks at me. "Better?" All I can manage to do it nod. Riley just shrugs and climbs into bed. "Peter?" "Yeah."I answer in a shaky voice. "You scared the hell out of me, you know that." I just pull her back into my arms. The aura of the room has changed drastically. It has become serious and quiet.

"Peter there is something I need to tell you." There is a hint of anger and sadness mixed together in her voice. "What is it?"I ask calmly as she lays her head on my lap. "It's umm about my dad and I." I look down at her green eyes. She never talks about her parents but when she does it's something very serious. "He knows about the group making mutants. They will be eliminated if they get caught." "Okay? What does that have to do with you?"I ask. "If he finds out about me..."she trails off. "What? What will he do Riley?" "He'll kill me Peter."

"What?! You're his daughter! Why would he ever do that to you?!" She sits up and looks directly at me. "He and his men find people like me disgusting, even the good ones, the ones that never did anything wrong." I see her jaw clench and her hands ball up into fist, tears budding at the corners of her eyes. "He and his men?" She just looks me dead in the eye, "My dad is an agent in S.H.E.I.L.D. and if he finds out he will kill me."

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