Chapter 15:

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~Riley's POV~

The fever finally broke sometime last night while I was asleep. This morning I honestly feel great. My bones no longer feel like they are breaking, my muscles no longer feel like they are tearing. The pain is just gone. My phone starts to ring which grabs my attention until I notice that I don't recognize the number. "Hello?"I say as I answer anyway. "Riley? It's your dad." Anger immediately fills me. "Yeah I know who you are." He remains silent for just a moment,then decides to speak. "How are yo.." "What do you want dad?"I ask sternly.

"Look I'm just trying to check in on you. You are my daughter after all." "Why? You haven't bothered checking on me for three months now. Do you know how hard it is to keep a secret like this? You don't have a clue how hard it is to come up with excuses on why you're not here. I can't even tell my best friend about you. So go ahead and enlighten me on why you feel the need to check up on me. Tell me what you feel the need to act like a an actual father."

There is just silence on the other end. "That's what I thought."I say. I'm about to hang up when he finally gets the nerve to say something. "I have news." I just roll my eyes and turn on the Tv. What I see on the screen in front of me makes me drop my phone and my heart nearly stop beating.

~Peter's POV~

Our of all the building I have ever climbed this by far is the scariest. I have never felt this kind of fear before. "What's wrong? You have reached the southwest window, why are you hesitating?"questions Karen. "Just never been this high before." "You have also not reinstalled your parachute, so a fall from this height could most likely be lethal." Thanks Karen. I try to breath as I face the building.

Once I start to sort of regain my confidence I start kicking the glass. "Why isn't it breaking?!"I shout as I start to panic. "It's 4 inch ballistic glass, you'll have to create more momentum." Perfect just perfect. I shoot a web making sure it sticks before I start to swing. The glass still didn't break.

This helicopter flies up to my level and starts demanding that I return to the ground. "My friends are in there, my friends are in there, stop!" Then this crazy idea hits me. I start climbing up to the very point of the monument. All I can do is take a deep breath and jump.

~Riley's POV~

I watch as Peter jumps from the very top of the Washington monument. A scream escapes my lips. My eyes starts to fill with tears. Did I just watch my best friend jump to his death?

~Peter's POV~

My web shooters shoot a thick web on to one of the helicopters landing pads. The momentum allows me to swing and break through the window. The momentum might have been too much because I slide past the elevator. Swiftly I shoot a web down the shaft. Some how just by doing that the elevator stops. It's sudden impact pulls me down with it.

    I shoot my webs up, slamming my feet on the top of the elevator. Thankfully that was enough to stop it. With all the strength I have left I start to pull the entire elevator back up to the doors. "Yes! Yes!"yells Ned as he starts jumping. "Hey,hey big guy quit moving around!" "Sorry sir."

     The strength I had left must have been enough because I get us back to the top. Everyone starts getting out and cheering, that is until my web broke. The elevator starts to fall with Liz still stuck inside. I quickly shoot a web which thankfully catches her hand. The entire elevator falls around her as I pull her to safety. Fear screams in her eyes. Once she is safe on the other side I just look at her, making sure she is okay. "This is your chance"says Karen, "kiss her." Just as I'm about to pull her in the web that I'm dangling by breaks, making me fall.

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