Chapter 13:

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~Next Day~

I wait by the decathlon bus hoping Riley just might show up. "Peter we got to go."says Ned. I nod my head knowing I must have really pissed her off. Honestly I don't blame her. She told me something so personal and I just up and left. How could I do that to her? "Hey Peter is everything okay?"asks Liz. "Yeah, I just really hurt my friend by coming on this trip."

She just rolls her eyes. "Let me guess Riley is upset that you came." Oh no, my palms are starting to get sweaty from my nerves. "Ugh I swear that girl gets upset about everything. If I didn't know any better I would say she has a crush on you." Wait what's did she say?

"What are you talking about?"I ask. "Oh come on, you guys are always together at school, you're together when ur not in school, messes with you, gets mad when you're around other girls."

"Nah, she is just upset because she told me something very personal and instead of being supportive and helping her I left." "Then why does she always look upset when I'm around?" Huh that is a good point. From there the conversation dies and we start to practice for the decathlon. Every few minutes I'm checking to see if there is any sign of life from her on my phone. Every time there is nothing.

Out of nowhere my phone starts to ring. Excitement rushes through me, hoping it's her. Sadly it's just Happy. Damn. "I got a bilp on my screen here saying you left New York." Shit I forgot about the tracker in my suit. "Uh yeah, no, it's just a school trip. It's uh nothing. Look Happy I got to say you tracking me without my permission is a complete violation of my privacy."I say. Ned looks at me and points to the tracker I placed on someone. "That's different."I whisper. "What's different?"he ask. "Uh nothing, look it's just the academic decathlon. It's no big deal."

      "Hey, hey, I'll decide if it's I big deal." I remain silent for just a moment before he speaks. "Sounds like it's no big deal, but remember I'll be watching." I just hang up and look at Ned. "Has she text you or contacted you at all?" I shake me head, "I just hope she can forgive me."

~Riley's POV~

God this hurts. My entire body feels like it is on fire. Every muscle just screams in searing pain. I haven't felt anything this painful since I was forced into turning.

Every bone in my body felt like it was breaking even when I wasn't moving. Every muscle felt like it was being torn from their ligaments. They don't bother stoping the injections. Each more painful then the last. The fever consuming every inch of my body like a wild flame. "Ahhhh!"I scream. Then it happened. I felt every bone break, my senses begin to become sharp.

On four legs I stand taller then both the men. This was me, I was their weapon of mass destruction.

This felt exactly like that but my fever seemed way more intense. What is happening to me?


Sorry for such a short chapter. Hope you guys are enjoying it!

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