Chapter 3:

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       We arrive at the hotel late that. I'm greeted by two other men in the room. Yeah this isn't weird at all. "Man I thought you were going to get someone who could help us."says one of the men. "Speak for yourself."I snap. "Hey take it easy."says Steve as he places a heavy hand on my shoulder. "Sam I wouldn't push it with this one. She can hold her own and besides do you really think Stark would hurt her." Both of the men just look at me.

     "Sam, Bucky, this is Riley. Riley this is Sam aka Falcon and Bucky, the one Stark is after." I give a small nod and shake their hands. "I like your arm."I say to Bucky. He smiles and lets a small chuckle slip through his lips. "What no compliments for me."says Sam. "I don't compliment assholes." With that I just walk off to a small corner of the room and set my things down.

        "He's not normally like this."Steve says as he approaches. "Then what changes him?" "Sam is just worried about tomorrow." There is this shared silence between us. "If we get caught tomorrow there will be consequences. You know that right?" I shake my head and look at him. "What's the fun in life without taking risks?" Steve smiles at me and gets up, grabbing some blankets and a pillow for me.

     That night I barely sleep. The floor was hard and uncomfortable, the blankets make my skin itch, and the pillow is way too soft. Through all of that I remain on the floor, clutching the wolf necklace Peter got me tightly in my hand. Sadly this is what gave them the idea to do what they did to me. I couldn't throw it away though, he gave it to me as a birthday gift a few years ago.

     I wonder what Peter is going to do with out me at school. Hopefully he will just hang out Ned. Maybe he will miss me or maybe he won't. I'll admit it I may or may not have a crush on my best friend. Any way I shouldn't be thinking of Peter, I should be trying to sleep. So I attempt to get comfy and close and my eyes, necklace still in hand.

      "Let go of me!" I can't see do to the bag over my head. Suddenly I'm thrown into something hard and cold. Then I hear doors slam, "Drive" says a deep voice. In attempts to sit up I squirm, proving how difficult it is to sit up with your hands bound behind your back.

      Eventually everything comes to a halt. I'm yanked from the car and taken god knows where. I squirm and fight the best I can but it's no use. I'm placed in what feels like a chair and the bag was removed. I'm in a dark damp room with little light entering.

    "What do we have here."says this voice.

     It sounds like an older man with a side of creepy to go with it. "I like what I see, good job boys." "Where am I? Why am I here?" "Not going to ask who I am."questions the voice. "I don't give a shit about your name asshole! I want to know why I'm here." "Feisty one aren't we."

     Without even thinking  of any sort of consequences I spit in his face. "Just for that I'm going to make this even more painful."he says as he squeezes my jaw. From that point on things got worse. They poked and prodded me like I was some beast they couldn't control.

     I have never felt something so painful before. My screams echoed off the walls, nothing made them stop. They just kept injecting me with this blue liquid. "Turn!" they would yell over and over again. It hurt so bad I just wanted my heart to stop pumping right then and there. All I could think about was Peter, but even then I wanted the pain go stop....eventually it did.

      I wake with a start, something cold had grabbed me and shook me. I must have been crying because my cheeks are damp when I touch them. Looking around the room I notice that some light has started to attack the darkness. Bucky sits in a chair by the window watching the sun rise. "Are you okay?"he asks. "I'm fine, you?" He just looks at me and nods. I just sigh and lay back down clutching my necklace, not bothering to try and sleep again.

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