Chapter 18:

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~Peter's POV~

The two of us wait just outside the building, waiting to see which fairy boat they board. "Riley stay here, I can't have you getting hurt." I say as I remove my mask and look at her. "Over my dead body Parker. We are in this together." "That's not happening." "That's exactly what's going to happen."she says as she grabs my hand. I just remain silent. I know this is her way of comforting me, she can probably sense how nervous I am.

"Okay here's the plan. You're going to board with them and then tell me what you see." "Rodger that."she says as she salutes me. "Now boarding."says the lady over the load speaker. "Knock them dead Parker."she says as she releases my hand. "Wait." She turns around and I bring her into a hug. Honestly I was afraid to let her go. "Peter I have to go." With that she gently pulls away and boards. I watch her as she walks away. I watch as her ponytail sways and notice the tribal paw print tattooed on the back of her neck. A small grin appears on my lips. Appointment my ass.

After she boards I shoot my webs and swing around, clinging to the side of the ship. I cling by a window and watch for Riley to appear, when she does she immediately sits by a group of men. "Found them Pete, I recognize the one from the night of the party." "Perfect now stay there and see if you can hear any information." From that point she remains silent. It stays that way for a few minutes until "Look for a white truck." "A white truck?" "Peter I don't think now is the time to question my hearing. He said a white pickup truck." "Okay, Okay, sheesh."I say through the link.

"Droney scan the ship for a white pickup truck." The small drone flies out of my suit and scans the ship, allowing me to see inside. Found it. Karen in interrupts my thoughts my thoughts by saying "incoming call from Tony Stark." Shit. "Peter some of them are leaving, the deal must be going down now." Oh no this isn't good. Mr.Stark continues to talk to me as I try and watch and not be suspicious but that doesn't work and I just hang up. "Hey guys, the illegal weapons fair was at 10:30, you missed it!" I shoot my webs and start tossing bad guys left and right.

Suddenly I see this guy standing by the truck and Riley appears at my side. I look to her and she grabs my hand giving it a quick squeeze then let's me go as we walk towards the man. "Freeze! FBI!" Oh come on, seriously?! We stop dead in our tracks and watch wings burst through the vehicle. The cops spin around, aiming their guns in his direction. It doesn't seem to phase the man one bit as he continues to fly this way.

"Get out of the way!"we shout. They don't listen, so Riley starts shoving them. Lasers shooting our way making everyone duck and hide.

He ends up picking up a car and throwing it out way. One agent remains in his spot though. Seriously dude! I push him out of the way but in the process I get hit with the car, sending me flying into Riley making us both fall to the floor. "Get to the top deck. We're getting out of here!" "Riley!" "I'm already on it." I watch as she chases after the fleeing man.

Bullets lasers and webs are flying everywhere. My webbing seems to slow him down just a bit though which is helpful. Unfortunately they don't stand much of a chance against his wings. He easily cuts through them like they are butter. Lasers are still flying and hitting the ship. With a sharp breath I shoot a web at the weapon. "Activate taser web!" Electric waves shoot through him forcing him to release the weapon. It hits the deck hard and shoots its beams in every direction.

"Hey Pete not to be rude but do you think you can cool it with the lasers down there!"Riley shouts. He best I can do is coat it with webbing. Thankfully this gets it to stop. "You're messing with things you don't understand!"shouts the Vulture. Suddenly Riley lands flat on her back right next to me. The man she was chasing after jumps on to the Vulture and they fly away. I try to help Riley up as the laser gun thing explodes, cutting through different parts of the ship, mostly in the center.

Water starts shouting up through the center while the only thing we can do is sit back and watch in fear and uncertainty. The ship starts to separate and fill rapidly with water. All I can here is people screaming, except for Riley. She actually remains very still and calm.

I turn to her, grabbing both of her arms. "You need to get to the upper deck now!" "I'm not leaving you!"she says as she turns to me. "Riley this isn't a choice, it's a demand. Please we don't have much time." Tears start to fill her eyes as she runs up the steps. "What do I do?! Uhhh Karen show me an x-ray of the ship and target all the strongest points!"

Once she does I swing through the flying sparks and the cables. I use as many web grenades and other web settings as I possibly can in order to hold this ship together. It's working but barely as I land on the deck next to Riley. "Great job Peter, you were 98% successful."says Karen. "98?" Just as I say that someone shouts my name and the webs snap. "No!" I jump and grab one of the broken webs and shoot another. Each and every muscle and nerve feel like they are being torn apart. It's when I hear her blood curdling scream that my heart stops.

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