Chapter 17:

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The hallways are filled with students talking about Spider-Man. "Wow he's so amazing!" "Did you see him jump over the helicopter?!" I'm even the main topic of the schools Tv announcements. Everyone loves me! There is a warm fuzzy feeling filling me, making me feel all mushy. "Dude, dude, dude, dude, what is it like being famous and no one knows its you?"asks Ned as he runs up to me. "Crazy dude." "Should we tell everyone?" As bluntly as possible I say "no." "Should I tell everyone?"he asks. "Tell everyone what?" Her gentle voice manages to catch me off guard.

I'm surprised she's really even here after what we talked about last night. "He wants to tell everyone about my alter ego and no you really shouldn't Ned." She just nods and looks at the two of us. It's when she looks away I look at her. Her dark hair is up in ponytail, slight curls dangle, brushing her neck. She is wearing a black shirt that hangs off of both her shoulders exposing her tan skin. The jeans she wears fit her perfectly. They cling to her in all the right places.

God she looked good. I don't know what it is about her but there is something about her that I just need. I think maybe Liz isn't the only girl I'm crushing on. "We're going to be late for class."Ned says breaking me from thought. "Oh I'm not going to class." "Same." Wait what? "Wait since when do you skip Rye?" "I have an appointment I have to go too." She answers. At that moment I try to creep away. Unfortunately the only thing I hear is "Parker my office." Damn it.

~Riley's POV~

Part of me wants to laugh when I hear Peter get caught. I just shrug him off and leave. Headphones in, backpack clutched close, I make my way into the tattoo parlor. The girl behind the counter looks as if she wants to squash me like a bug. I just try not to make eye contact and play on my phone instead. Eventually my name is called and I head to the back.

There is barely any sting when the needle makes contact with my skin. "So what made you chose this?"asks the artist. "No reason, just really like it." After that we remain silent.

The breaking news anthem and banner flash across the tv screen as I pay. "Breaking news, S.H.E.I.L.D appears to have taken out another one of the cities awful mutants. They appeared to be hidden in an abandoned building surrounded by hundreds of dollars worth of stolen goods. More on this story at 6."

This god awful feeling appears in the depths of the pit of my stomach. I try my best to push the feeling aside and leave. It's as I'm walking out that my phone suddenly rings. "Aren't you supposed to be in detention."I say to Peter. "Yes technically but.." I just roll my eyes. "Listen can you meet me somewhere now?"


"This is such a stupid idea."I say through the link as Peter and I hide behind a car. "Yeah you're probably right."he says. He swiftly stands and shoots his web. I just peek around the car know that I probably shouldn't. Looks like Peter as webbed a guys hand to the trunk of his car. When he speaks I automatically remember the voice and who he is, he is one of the men from the other night. The one interested in buying weapons. When Peter speaks his voice is deep all of a sudden. It was like the boy hit puberty it .5 seconds.

"Remember me?" The man jumps back at the sound. "I need information and your going to give it too me."demands Peter. I can't believe this boy really changed his voice. "What happened to your voice?"questions the man. Well this isn't good.

"What do you mean what happened to my voice?" "I heard you by the bridge, I know what a girl sounds like." HA!! "I'm not a girl, I'm a boy! I mean I'm uh I'm a man!" Oh lord here we go, I better stop this because it's going nowhere. Slowly I emerge from behind the car and come up along side Peter. A low growl erupts from deep in my chest. Both of the boys seems to stumble back in fear.

This seems to only last a minute as he slams the trunk of his car shut. The both of us jump slightly in fear. Then the two start talking about bread as I try and collect me thoughts. "Can I give you some advice?" Peter and I just stand there, looking blankly at him. "You need to get better at this." What do you mean? I'm intimidating."Peter says as he leans against the car. At that very moment I couldn't resist, I bust at the seams with laughter. It's so much that I just turn back to normal.

Peter just gives me a dirty look and the man laughs with me. "Come on dude this is important." Then I fed Peters elbow dig into my side. "Ow!" "I like your girlfriend man, she has a sense of humor." Both mine and Peter's eyes grow wide. "Anyway I'll give you the location." At this time is when I tuned it out and felt my heart race. "Rye come one we go to go." I give a simple nod and we are off.

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