Chapter 25:

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"He gave you a choice, you chose wrong."says the henchman. What is he doing here? I don't bother asking, I just punch his back instead. He turns to face me but instantly takes a heel to the face, making him fall. I rush to Peter who is already starting to or should I say trying to stand. "Riley get out of here I can't have you getting hurt." "We are in this together Peter, I'm not leaving you behind."

He just looks at me, I don't say anything else I just grab his hand. Suddenly there is a bus coming our way. "Peter!" He must sense it because he doesn't even look instead he just grabs me and ticks me into him. I barge myself for the sudden impact but nothing happens. The both of us look up and see the bus only centimeters from our faces.

That's it I'm putting an end to this. I phase and walk from behind the bus. Bad timing on my end though. Not only do I feel the impact of Peter being hit but I feel the impact of his body hitting mine and the both of us crashing into the side of another bus. Slowly I stand and shake off the class from the windows, feeling the small cuts they left behind.

I charge the man and start to attack him. My plan was working until his first collided with my ribs. A yelp escapes my throat as I fall. "Riley!" I don't say anything as I slowly reach my feet. Alright now I'm pissed. Then I feel this hard blow on my chest, but I wasn't hit. I fact he wasn't even near me. Then I see Peter fly through the windshield of yet another bus. Okay this blood cycle stuff really sucks.

I catch the breath that Peters impact made me loose and go in the attack. My jaws snap shut around one of his arms. Apparently it was the wrong one because he repeatedly keeps hitting the same spot with that damn fist. It hurts so much but I keep my grip. Then with one last strong low I hear the cracking sound of my bones. After that I can no longer hold on.

Peter runs to my side and covers me like I did at the airport. We brace ourselves but nothing comes. The both of us look up in confusion. There is webbing on the guys fist and Ned is holding Peter's web-shooters. "Nice shot!"yells Peter. He then grabs the web and throws the guy on a bus, webbing him there.

I turn back to normal and with Peter's help I get up. "Are you okay?" "Healing as we speak."I say as I feel my ribs mending. "Ned the guy with the wings is Liz's dad!" "What?!"Ned and I both say. "Call Happy, Riley are you sure you can do this?" "He ripped my dress, broke my ribs and hurt my best friend. He is a dead man." Peter just gives a chuckle.

      I turn back into my wolf and lower myself so Peter can climb on. Ned gets on the phone and directs us to where Peter's phone is located. He leads us to what looks like some abandoned building. "Is this the right place?"I ask as I turn back to normal. "It has to be."Peter says as he finds his phone in this guys car. After that we creep into the building.

       There are computer screens everywhere, all of which have plans for some plane on them. "What is all this?" I whisper. I don't get an answer in return because a sudden noise catches our attention. We walk through this dark hall way until we see him standing at some table drinking a beer. "Hey!"shouts Peter. "Oh hey Pete." "It's over, I've got you!"

        They continue to talk but something inside me is saying something is wrong, he too calm. "Peter something doesn't feel right." Just as I say that his wings burst through and start breaking the support beams. We do or best to dodge them but we are both becoming exhausted quickly. "That thing hasn't even hit us yet!"yells a breathless Peter. "Wasn't meant too." Suddenly it clicks in my head. "The ceiling!" We look up just as it starts to crumble. That's when he grabs my arm, yanking me away from Peter. "Let go! Peter!" Peter's eyes lock with mine as the building collapses on him.

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