Chapter 6:

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~Months later~

       School has really sucked with out her. I miss her. I'm used to seeing her everyday and walking home with her. Even May has been asking me about her. I obviously can't tell her the truth so I just tell her that she has an internship too. Life just seems to be going by so slowly.

     Something about today felt different though, I just couldn't seem to put my finger on it. All I can do is sit and wait for class to begin.

~After school~

The walk home really sucks today, apparently I should have brought an umbrella. I'm soaked to the bone and water drips to the floor as I make my way into the apartment. May doesn't seem to be home but my senses are telling me I'm not here alone. I don't know where they are hiding though. Suddenly I'm laying flat on the floor with something heavy pressing on my back.

Swiftly I look around and see a pan that May must have left on the stove. One of my webs grabs the handle and I pull it, hitting whoever it was. "Ow!" Whoever it is doesn't get the chance to fight back because I webbed their hands to the floor and sat on their waste to keep them from moving. My jaw drops at the sight in front of me.


There she was. She was right there in front of me. "Damn Parker. Well hello to you too." "Oh my god Riley! I'm so sorry!" She just let's out a laugh and smiles up at me. "Little help here?"she asks as she struggles to move her hands. I chuckle slightly and grab ahold of the webbing, letting out a small grunt as I pull it's tough sticky material. She laughs at me when I struggle. Once she is freed she swiftly stands and just watches me.

     "Come here."I say as I hold my arms out. She smiles warmly and walks into my embrace, wrapping her arms around me softly. Oh how I have missed this. Slowly we pull apart. "How long have you been out?" She remains quiet for a moment before she speaks. "Only a day. I flew in this morning then came straight here." I have a strange feeling in the pit of my stomach. She is hiding something. "Why didn't you come to school?" "I wanted to surprise you."

     I smile at her , the feeling still in my stomach and wrap her in another hug. "Peter?"I hear her voice say softly. I pull away and look into her green eyes. "Can we get food?"she asks me with this puppy dog look. I laugh a little, "Sure, what are you thinking?" She pauses for a moment then speaks, "Delmar's?" "Let's go!"I shout as I grab my jacket, phone and keys.

      We sit on a bench in the park so Riley can experience the outdoors again. She seems so relaxed and more at home now. "I forgot how nice and peaceful it is out here."she states between bites. I smile at her as she continues to eat. Then a moment of pure genius hits me. I pull out my phone and start taking pictures of her. "Peter!"she screams as she laughs.

     I completely ignore her and continue, getting this amazing shot. Her hair flowed perfectly over her shoulders, her beautiful green eyes looked directly into the camera and she flashed her white smile. God she looks so perfect.

    "We should start heading back."she says calmly. "Yeah, lets go home." She smiles at me and stands, reaching for my hand. I smile and take hers gently. Together we walk down the sidewalk and make small talk. "Are you ready for school tomorrow?" I ask. Riley looks down at her feet, "honestly no. Where do people think I have been all this time?" Her eyes meet mine, this sort of desperation filling them. "I told them you have been on an internship trip."

She just nods and shivers a little. "Cold?" She looks at me and nods. With out hesitation I pull off my jacket. Then that smile appears on her face again. We continue walking until we reach our building.

It's at this moment we fall totally silent. We stay this way until we are standing in her door way. "I'm so happy you're back."I say nervously as I scratch the back of my neck. "Me too."she says. She smiles at me then proceeds to look down at her feet. "Oh yeah, your jacket." She slowly takes it off but I stop her. "Just keep it, I have others." "Thanks Peter."

I smile at her and suddenly pull her into my arms. I don't want her taken from me again. "Peter, are you okay?" I pull away from her and look her dead in her eyes. "Yeah, well anyway get some rest. You have had a big day. I'll see you in the morning, goodnight Riley." "Goodnight Peter." With that she slowly shuts the door.

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