Chapter 23:

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        Not a single word is exchanged between Stark and I as my father lay lifeless on the ground. "My mother wanted to kill me, my father wanted me dead but shot himself."I say almost breathless. Tony remains absolutely silent. If he wasn't standing next to me I would think he was dead too. The pain in my leg in my leg has lessened but it still hurts like a bitch. "He hates me.....his last words were about me being a beast, a monster." Tears start to cloud my vision. "He was right about me Stark. It's because of me this happened."

       "Don't listen to him kid." "How can I not?"I snap as I try to stand. That was a bad idea, my leg gave out from under me unable to hold my weight. Now the pain had become more intense. I grit my teeth as I hit the floor. "Damn this hurts." "Thats it You're going to the hospital."says Stark. For once I don't put up any protest. He gently lifts me and places me in his car. "Oh my god, what happened?!"shouts the blond. "The meeting didn't go well. Pep I need you to take her to the hospital, I'll stay here to clean up the mess."

        From that point the conversation vanished and she steps into the car. "I don't mean to be rude but who the hell are you?"I ask as the pain increases. "I'm Pepper, I'm Tony's assistant." "Not to mention his girlfriend." "How did you know?"she asks. "I watch this this called the news, I also see how you guys look at each other. Trust me I know that look, I used to look at someone that way."

       Her eyes say the sadness I'm feeling. Everyone I have ever cared about is gone, it's just me. I'll be honest I have no clue why I'm not sobbing in the corner and being a total wreck right now, maybe it's the shock of it all. Maybe I'm just not letting myself. We arrive at the ER, Pepper grabs a wheelchair and takes me in.

       The procedure is pretty simple, the wound gets cleaned and stitched, then I just lay in bed. Unfortunately I'm stuck here over night, the bright side is that the pain killers are awesome right now. I hate hospitals, the reek of sadness, death, and bad television. Suddenly there is a soft knock on my door and Pepper steps in.

     "Are you doing okay?" "Yeah they said I get to go home tomorrow which is perfect since homecoming is tomorrow."I say with a touch of sadness. She smiles warmly at me then says "well don't worry about your bills." I just give her a confused look. "I spoke to Tony and with everything you have been through he insisted on taking over your bills." "Oh no Pepper I couldn't...." "It's already done." "Thank you." is all I can seem to say.

     After a few more minutes Pepper leaves and surprisingly Ned takes her place. "Hi Ned."I say warmly. "Hi Riley!" He still has his perky, happy attitude towards me. I'm a little surprised that he still likes me with everything that has happened between Peter and I. "How did you know I was here?" "Let's just say I have my own wicked ways." I laugh a little, already knowing who told him. "Peter." Ned nods his head. "Wow....he knows I'm here but doesn't bother to even show, instead he just sends you." Ned just remains quiet. "He really doesn't care about me anymore."I say hopelessly. Now my tears are ready to fall.

       "I wouldn't say that Riley." I just look at him, no words dying I escape my throat. "He actually cares very much about you Rye. He almost broke down in tears when he found out you were here." "Then why didn't he show up? Why isn't he here Ned?" "I wish I could answer that."he says sadly. Then an awkward silence appears between us. "Ned, I am really happy you came to see me though." "Really?" I give him a warm smile and nod my head. After that we spend time talking and watching crappy tv together.

~Peter's POV~

It is insanely dark in here, there is absolutely no light unless you count the heart monitor. I had to see her. When I heard the news I almost lost it. I couldn't handle it at school so I just left between classes. I don't know why I didn't come here sooner. Maybe it's because I thought she didn't want to see me, but I'm here now.

Eventually I find the chair next to her bed and try finding her window next. Finally finding it I slowly open it in order to get light. Her eyes remain closed the whole time thankfully. I know that if I saw them I would just melt. Her breathing remains nice and steady as I watch the gentle rise and fall of her chest. She seemed so peaceful, almost like she didn't have a care or worry in the world.

Her hand lay still, barely gripping the sheets, begging to be held so I did. I gripped it firmly knowing this was probably the last time I would ever hold it. From that point my eyes grazed over every inch of her face. I wanted to remember every imperfect perfection. Her lips were my main focus though.

They looked so amazing. It trying a memory making me close my eyes and inhale deeply as I remember the way my name sounded rolling off her tongue. God it was like a beautiful song that I could never get out of my head. Then I did it, I couldn't resist her any longer. I pressed my lips to hers.

For a moment it felt as she was kissing me back. I know she wasn't but god how I wish. After I pulled away from her I knew it was time to go before a nurse caught me. If there was one thing I desperately wished for was hearing her call out my name, in hopes I would stay.

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