Chapter 22:

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~Peter's POV~

My days are back to being lonely and uneventful. Most of my time is spent in detention or just sitting at home. She hasn't spoke to me or even looked in my direction. Instead she has been hanging out with Flash and his buddy's. You know what, who needs Riley. If she is going to hang out with trash like that then who needs her.

     During class things got worse. Ned and I sit next to each other and talk before class when she walks in. Flash has his arm wrapped firmly around her waist. How dare he touch her like that! My hands clench into fist as the saunter into the room. She just looks over at me and what was a partial smile has disappeared.

    "Can you believe her?"I scoff. "I mean you ended it with her."says Ned. "Yeah but..." "There is no yeah but Peter, she told you her feelings and you walked away." He's right, I did this to myself. Remember when I said who needs her? Well, I need her.

~Riley's POV~

     Seeing his face just killed me. He looked so sad and broken. Maybe now he understands just how I feel. Flash smiles and laughs to himself as I feel his grip tighten on my waist. I'm honestly repulsed by his touch. I'm only doing this to make Peter jealous. It probably wasn't the best idea look back at it.

      During class my phone starts vibrating, signaling me that I have received a message. It's my mom telling me to meet her at my apartment. I swiftly raise my hand and hope I get called on. "Yes Riley?" "Can I use the restroom?" She just nods her head.

      "When are you going to hold up your end of the deal?"I whisper through my phone to my mother. "I will once this meeting with ur father is over." I just roll my eyes and hang up the phone. Just as I am about to round the corner to by the bathrooms to sneak out I hear two voices. "I'm guessing you already have a date for homecoming."says Peter. Should have known it was him, I can feel his nervousness eating away at him.

"Actually I was so busy planning it I never really got to that part." "Well would you maybe like to go with me?" "Yeah I would like that." Just when I thought that boy couldn't hurt me anymore, he does this. I guess my plan to make him jealous just blew up in my face. Instead of making him jealous I just pushed him closer to her. I sigh and start to walk around the corner, "Hi Riley."greets Liz.

"Riley?" Peter stood there completely wide eyed. "The pain just never seems to end with you does it?" He remains silent for just a moment. "Why do you care Riley? You're with Flash anyway." All I can seem to manage to do is scoff. "Parker you're not as smart as people seem to think."I say as I push past him. "What's that supposed to mean?"he snaps. "It means that I'm only with that asshole to make you jealous, because I still care about you and I don't know if that will ever stop. Clearly my idea didn't work and blew up in my face! Now if you excuse me I'm late for something." With that I walk out the doors.

~Time skip~

      Mother and I walk through the building doors, this evil grin plastered on her lips. I wonder what sort of twisted plan she is working on that wicked head of hers. "Excuse me can I help you?"questions this blond. "Don't worry about it Pepper, they are here for a meeting." I look up to see Tony Stark and my father descending the stair way.

     " Melanie, god it's so good to see you!"my father says with pure joy. "Hello Robert." My mother says as she embraces him. "Tony may I have a moment alone with my wife and daughter." "There is a room down the hall and to the right." My father just nods and takes the lead. "Where have you been? I have been searching everywhere for you." "Let's just say I have been lost for awhile."

     Suddenly I hear the door lock. That can't mean anything good. "I'm going to need you to stop hunting mutants Robert." "What?" I look to my mother and see her eyes have changed. Her nails have grown long and sharp, her skin appearing with scales. "No Mel." My father slowly reaches for his gun.

     "Mom what are you doing?! This wasn't the deal!" "You really think out deal mattered to me?! I can't have someone stronger than me living! I'm going to steal that power from you by ripping you apart, right after I finish off your father!" She lunges at him but he shoots her in the arm. It doesn't even phase her, she just keeps coming.

With some sudden burst of courage I tackle her before she can attack my father. She has fully transformed now, "that's right Riley show your father what you truly are. Show him the monster inside. "Riley what is she talking about?" I know I'm changing, I can feel it and it at this very moment is too much to contain. "Riley?" I look back at my father and see the sadness pool into his eyes.

My heart hurt seeing him look at me that way. "That's right Robert look at our precious daughter." Thats it I have had enough of this talking. I attack but her lizard nails cut deep into my flesh. I grit my teeth to keep from screaming as she twist her nails around. Then I catch sight of her tail flying around. With no further thought my jaws clamp shut around it, tearing it from her body. She flies through the room screaming.

Mother hits a wall, then breaks through the window and jumps out. I run to the ledge to search for a body but just like the wind she as vanished. Suddenly I feel this white hot intense pain in my hind leg. I scream out, not knowing what else to do. My body can't take the pain and forces itself to change back to normal. Then I hear the click of a bullet being locked into place. "Dad?" Tears are sliding down his cheeks. "Don't you dare call me that. You are no daughter of mine."

I clench my eyes shut but then start to pray that my last act of bravery will change his mind as I open my eyes. Unfortunately for my case it doesn't seem to phase him as he aims and almost pulls the trigger. "Put the gun down Rob." I look over and see Stark wearing one of his iron gloves, the gun pointed at my father. "She is and always will be your daughter no matter what she is." He just looks from me to Tony. "Not anymore." He then looks back to me. "My bloodline will be pure, which means it ends with me." Slowly he raises the gun to his temple, bang.

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