Chapter 37:

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Strange black mutant things suddenly begin to pour from the ships and charge the shield. "What the hell are those?"Bucky blurts out. "They are mutants."then I spot her green scaly hide walking towards the others, "my mother made them." He turns and looks at me in disbelief. "How do you know that?"Cap asks. "You see that green lizard thing over there?" He just gives a simple nod. "That's her, I know this because she made me."I say as I turn to him.

"Looks like we pissed her off."Natasha says. "You think."I respond. Suddenly T'challa and the other soldiers begin to chant and stomp. Between all the chanting and the mutants attacking the shield the earth begins to rumble beneath my paws.

A low growl rumbles from my throat as the creatures some how manage to break through. The King gives the command to begin firing weapons but I remain steady, my eyes focusing on her. "Cap if those things get behind us there is nothing between them and Vision."Banner says. "Then we better keep them in front of us."Cap responds. It's then T'challa gives the order to open the the barrier and wait for his signal. I'm impatiently claw at the ground, lip curled up as I continue to watch her. She seems to have spotted me as well.

"Wakanda forever!" Thats the signal and with that I lounge forward and give chase. The first mutant tries to attack me but doesn't stand a chance as I pounce on top of it and tear its head off. More try but fail as I run towards her. She tears into soldiers as she head my way. Suddenly out of nowhere I am tackled to the ground. A sharp pain enters my leg as a mutant sinks its razor sharp teeth into my back leg making me cry out in pain.

Thankfully my cry is heard as a bullet pierces it's skull. I look up to see Bucky aiming and shooting the creatures that were beginning to surround me. Quickly I get to my feet and look at the carcasses that now lay coldly on the ground. They were once people. I give a simple nod as a thank you before searching for here again. She seems preoccupied while battling a soldier.

Then the ground begins to rumble and shake as a bright beam of light strikes the ground. Cheers erupt as Thor stands tall, lightning striking the ground as he throws his battle axe. He's not alone though, this raccoon and tree like thing ate there joining the battle.

Suddenly another scream or yell enters my ears. Sam is nearly completely surrounded. As fast as my legs can carry me I sprint towards him. "Sam duck!" He dies just as I tell him to allowing me to leap over him and attack the mutants in front of him. It's blood sprays on to my white fur but I don't stop. "Thanks."he breathlessly gasps. "No problem." Out of the corner of my eye I see her sleeking down on all fours towards Cap.

"Oh no you don't!" With no hesitation I sprint after her. She sees me coming and tackled him, raising her sharp claws up ready to slash him. I reach them just in time as I run into her. We both fall to the ground but I softly bounce back and get to my feet. "Hello Riley." "Hello mother."

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