Chapter 24:

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~Riley's POV~

He thought I didn't know it was him last night but I knew. I knew from the moment he touched me. My skin reacted with his in away I could never explain. When his lips met mine I just couldn't resist, I had to kiss him back. "Why does this boy have such a grip on me?" "Riley? Are you ready?"asks Pepper. I didn't say anything instead I just give a nod.

Now that I'm out I'm stuck facing the reality of being alone. The only time I don't feel so alone is when I think of Peter and I. All the good memories, and the goofy photos. The thing is, memories are just memories, thoughts are just thoughts, and photos are just photos. They sometimes make me feel even more alone than I already am. Knowing what they were will never be again. Especially after last night.

The remainder of the day is spent laying in bed with a thing of fries and debating weather or not I want to go tonight. It's not too late to cancel, is it? Just as I was thinking about calling it off I get a text from Flash. Shit guess canceling is out the the question. From that point I lay on my side with my phone face down. Every time I look at the damn thing I go through my photos. I would say I need to stop for awhile. Then I decide maybe a small nap will help take my mind off of it.

Turns out a nap wasn't in the cards today. The whole time my stomach was in knots. I felt sick just laying there. Honestly I couldn't tell if it was even my nerves acting like this or Peter's. Why would I even be nervous? I have no one to impress, well there is Peter. I have this crazy thought of looking amazing to try and impress him. Oh to see the look on Liz's face. Suddenly the clock strikes 5 and I decide I better start getting ready.

I give myself a once over in the mirror making sure not even a single hair is out of place. The butterflies in my stomach went from fluttering to soaring. Once again my phone pings signaling I have a text, another message from Flash lights up the screen. This slight pain enters my chest. Apparently he found another date to go with. I'll admit it stings but I'll live.

Music is pounding from inside the building while lights flash and balloons lay scattered on the floor. My heart was racing faster with each and every step, while it's rhythm almost matched the beat of the music. Then I see him. There he was in all his glory looking as handsome as ever. Everything felt like it was moving in slow motion when he glance at me.

~Peter's POV~

There is a sharp jab to my side as I try to mingle. "Ow!"I say turning to Ned. "Look over there." I give him a confused look then turn to the direction he nodded. As if by magic there she was. Each step she made seemed to be in slow motion, the thing that wasn't was my racing pulse. The music even became muffled. Her dress clung to her absolutely perfectly, especially her curves. God she look stunning.

~Riley's POV~

I know I held his eye, I can still see him watching each and every move I make as I drink from my cup. Just knowing that makes a smile creep on to my face. Then with in that single minute Peter disappeared. That can't be good. Suddenly my insides went from being happy to something is wrong. What Peter was feeling made my hair stand on and my wolf awakened. I knew something was wrong and ad to find him so I looked for Ned. "Ned where's Peter?" "I don't know he took off that way." I nod and turn to follow Peter but someone grabs my arm.

Liz's grip is so tight in my arm I think she might break it. "It was you the whole time!" "What?" "He wanted you this whole time? I had him, I wanted him, and you just stroll in and he's putty in your hands!" Her nails have started to cut deep into my skin. "Look here bitch maybe if you noticed him sooner then you wouldn't be in this predicament. Now if you were smart I suggest you take your damn hands off of me."

She swallows hard as she looks me in the eye. Her grip slowly releases and I start to walk away. "Damn Riley you are looking so fine."says Flash. I don't say a word, I just flip him off and continue walking. "Asshole."I say to myself. I reach the hall and start running as the feeling gets worse. Peter's scent fills the hall as I inhale deeply. I follow it out the same doors I snuck out of the other day. I burst through the doors just as I feel and watch Peter collide with the hard ground.


What's up guys! Okay so I know this chapter is a little different from the actual homecoming scene but don't worry I have a plan. The picture above is actually my best friends prom dress and I just love it. She looked absolutely gorgeous in it! Here is a pic Incase you want to see what it actually looks like on someone:

She is also a wattpad user so if anyone wants to read any of her books her account is imapygmypuff   She has books from Harry Potter to guardians of the galaxy

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She is also a wattpad user so if anyone wants to read any of her books her account is imapygmypuff She has books from Harry Potter to guardians of the galaxy. Hope you guys are enjoying and thank you for voting. Keep it up guys!


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