Chapter 32:

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       "So we got to assume they're coming back, right?" "And they can clearly find us." I listen as I sit quietly against the wall while everyone tries to figure out what we are supposed to do next. "We need all hands on deck, where's Clint?"questions Banner. "After the whole accords situation he and Scott took a deal, it was too tough on their families so they are in house arrest."explains Nat. "Who's Scott?" "Ant-man." "There's an Ant-Man and a Spider-Man?"

         "Wow you really have been away for a while haven't you?"I say to him. "Aren't you and Spider-Man together now?"asks Cap. "Yeah! How did you know?" "I kept tabs on you, just to see if you adapted back to normal life. Clearly you did but not the way I expected." I chuckle and give a warm smile. "Is this really important right now?"Banner calls into question.

       He's got a point so I just go back to being silent. "Okay look Thanos has the biggest army in the universe, he's not gonna stop until he gets......Vision's stone." With my interest now peaked I stand to attention. "Then we need to protect him and the stone."I say.

      "No we have to destroy it." The room grows silent as it fills with shock at his words. "I've been giving a great deal of thought to this entity in my head about it's nature, but also its composition. I think if it were exposed to a sufficiently powerful energy source, something similar to its own signature, perhaps it's molecular entity will fail." His voice is calm and collected but I can sense something else.

      He was scared. I don't blame him, I mean this could potentially be the end of Vision. "We're not having this conversation."says Wanda. Vision tries to reason with her while my eyes drift to Steve's. Worry and concern rest themselves comfortably on his face. Suddenly the small clicking sound of Wanda's shoes grabs my attention. "Thanos threatens half of the universe, one life can not stand in the way of defeat."

     "Yes it can."I interject.

    "We don't trade lives Vision."adds Cap. "Captain 70 years ago you'd lay down your life to save how many millions of people, so tell me why is this any different." "Because you're you Vision."I say as I get to my feet.

     His golden eyes catch my green ones as I step closer to him. " I may not know you as well as everyone else here but I still would like to consider you a friend. I can feel the love in this room Vision and it's all for you. We all care about you so your life is just as vulnerable as any of ours. In the end yes your life can stand in the way of defeat because you have us to defend you."

     Everyone around me stands there completely speechless. "She's right Vision, besides you might have a choice. You mind is made up of a complex constructible relays, Jarvis, Ultron, Tony, Me, the stone, all of them mixed together, all of them learning from each other."Banner says.

     "So you're say Vision isn't just the stone." "I'm saying that if we take out the stone, there's still a whole lot of Vision left, maybe even the best parts." There is this new sense of hope that has replaced the dreary bitter feeling sadness. It seems to have lifted everyone's spirits including Visions. "Can we do that?"asks Natasha. "Not me, not here."Banner says as he looks to his shoes. "Then where and who?"I ask. "I know somewhere."says Cap. This smirk appears on my face knowing that we have a chance to save Vision. "Then what are we waiting for? Let's go!"

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