Chapter 30:

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     "Hey man! What's up Mr.Stark?" "Kid where'd you come from?"he asks as Riley joins his side. She gently nuzzles and pushes him to try and help him up. "Field trip to..."I'm cut off by this alien dude throwing me like a piece of trash in the wind. I groan as my body hits hard against the rough pavement. Thankfully Riley doesn't hesitate and pounces in the creature.

      Mr.Stark gets to his feet and starts to shot his guns at him. "Mr.Stark I would really appreciate it if you try not to hit my girlfriend." "Yeah I'm trying kid." Well I spoke a little too soon because the alien picks up the massive wolf with one hand and throws her into a tree. Riley yelps in pain as she hits the thick trunk. "Alright asshole you want to play then let's play."she snarls as she gets to her feet and shakes the fallen branches off of her.

      "What is this guys problem Mr.Stark?"I ask as I shoot my webs at him. "He's from space, he came here to steal a necklace from a wizard." "Wait wizards are real?"Riley asks through the mind link. "Guess so." Suddenly this metal thing flies up and grabs me, throwing me yet again. I'm getting really sick of this being thrown around thing. Not only does he throw me but he throws a taxi at me!

      With quick thinking I web the taxi and throw it back at him, having it crash down on him. This small amount of a humor fills me as I remember doing the same thing to the dude with the metal arm. Riley stands besides the beast as she looks at me. "Am I like a target or something?"she asks, her green eyes watching every movement. "Sorry babe."I say out loud. "Hey how's the relationship going with you two?"interjects Mr.Stark as we continue to battle.

      "I mean it's been pretty awesome so far." This huge smile being covered by my mask. "Really this is the conversation we need to have now?!"she snaps as she runs out of the way of a punch. A split second later a unconscious man with a red cloak flies by. "Kid that's the wizard, get on it." "On it!" Shooting my webs I chase after the wizard and the ugly alien dude who looks like squidward. Just as I'm about to reach him the ugly guy hits me with a giant street sign. "Ow!"yells Riley as she feels my pain.

      "Not cool."I say as I pick up the chase again. Out of now where the street lights start to reach for him, sort of like those creepy trees in scary movies.

     The man's cape gets caught in the lamps, making him start to plummet back towards the street. "Gotcha."I say as my web grabs him. We are about to head back to Mr.Stark when this bright blue light beams down and starts to pull the wizard upward. Grabbing a street light I try to pull the unconscious body back but my arms are growing weak and tired. The alien catches on and messed with the lamp forcing me to let it go.

      "Uh Mr.Stark I'm being beamed up!" "Hang on kid!"

     I cling to the ship, trying to to find away inside but I'm struggling to breath. "Peter!"I hear her scream through our link. She knows I'm struggling, I know she can feel the tightness in my chest as I gasp. "Stark hurry up and get up there to save him!"she cries as she some how links us all. "Unlock 17A."he demands.

    I continue to try and climb but then I hear Mr.Stark telling me to let go. "You said save the wizard!" It's becoming harder and harder to breath so I remove my mask in some sort of hope it will help. My lungs are screaming for air. "Peter let go!" "We're up to high, you're running out of air." "Makes sense."I gasp. My fingers release there grasp on the ship. I can feel my body falling back through the air until something hits me hard in my back.

     Once my footing is steady I stand proudly in this new suit. "Mr.Stark it smells like a new car in here!" "Happy trails kid." Suddenly I'm pulled backwards off of the ship, "awe come on!" Somehow I manage to shoot a strong web that holds me to the ship. "Oh my god."I gasp as I look back towards my home. "I should have stayed on the bus." "Peter no, please tell me you're coming back. Please come back to me." I can here the sadness and terror oozing through her voice. "I'm sorry baby."


      It's with a broken heart I have to say goodbye to one of my hero's. Stan Lee is the reason why I'm here writing this story and all my other marvel stories. He created an amazing world of super hero's. Thank you so much for creating the hero that has forever changed my life. Rest In Peace Stan Lee. 💔

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