Chapter 27:

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I'm barely holding myself together. Ned walks beside me in the hall talking about how he saves us. He doesn't know yet, no one does. I then spot Liz in the hall, I need to apologize to her no matter how shitty I feel. "Liz!" She stops but doesn't look at me. "Liz I'm so sorry." "You day that a lot these days, what are you sorry for this time? The dance?" I remain silent as I look at my feet. "Yeah that was a pretty crappy thing to do."

We continue talking but I can only think about last night. Just how lifeless she was literally shattered me. "Peter I hope whatever is going on you figure it out. Oh and congratulations on getting with Riley. You two deserve each other." With that she walks away. Hearing someone say her name hurt so much. Ned places a hand on my shoulder as we head to decathlon.

I turn out whatever is happening until everyone starts clapping. "I uh got to go."I say as I look at my phone. "Where are you going Peter?"questions Michelle. My mouth has become too dry to speak. "I'm kidding, I don't care, bye." Again I don't say anything and walk to meet Happy in the bathroom. "Hey kid, how are you holding up?" I don't say anything as the tears start to well up. "I know but Mr.Stark wants to see you." "Is her here too?"I sniffle. "No he's upstate." I nod and follow him to the car.

The drive is mostly silent with a few bits of conversation here and there. Once we arrive I watch the Quinn Jet take off. I admit it made me smile a little. "There they are, how was the ride up?" "Good."says Happy. Mr.Stark stars patting my back as we walk. "You screwed the pooch hard, but you raised the hybrid puppies and took the dog to the free clinic, alright not my best analogy." He continues talking until I hear team. "T-to the team?" "Figured maybe I would introduce the world to the newest Avenger."

I stop dead in my tracks as he unveils a new spider suit. I'm speechless. If only Riley were here to see this. "So after the press conference Happy will escort you to your room." I linger looking at the suit and say "thank you Mr.Stark but I'm good." "Good? How are you good?" "I rather just stay on the ground, friendly neighborhood Spider-Man. Someone's got to look out for the little guy." "Last chance yes or no." I can't believe I'm doing this, "No."

With that he lets out a deep sigh. "Well at least take this slacker with you when you leave." I give him a confused look. He then turns and looks down the hall, I follow his lead. My eyes grow wide as she stops walking. "Hi Peter." I don't say anything and just run to her. As soon as I'm close enough I pick her up and spin her around in my arms. I'm actually holding her so tight I think I might break her. My emotions become too much as a few tears slip from my eyes.

We slowly pull away from one another. Her beautiful green eyes look as if she is peering into my soul, they are still kind and gentle. It's as if she is mesmerizing my face. I don't say anything, instead I cup her face and press my lips to hers. There were just as soft and perfect as the night I kissed her at the hospital. This time she kissed back.

She pulls back for some air, a smile plastered on her face. I can't help but laugh as I press my forehead to hers. The sudden sound of clapping catches our attention. "It's about time."says Mr.Stark. We just laugh as I grab her hand. "Thank you Mr.Stark." He just smiles at me in return.

Once we step outside she stops me. "Surprised?" I turn to her, a goofy smile on my face, "How?"was the only thing I could say. "They used that tissue generator thing and electricity to restart my heart." She slowly lifts he shirt to reveal the scar the metal had left behind. I carefully place my fingertips on her warm skin tracing the scar. She winces and backs away. "Sorry it's still tender." "No I'm sorry for everything, ending our friendship, you getting hurt."

Suddenly she walks up and grabs the sides of my face. "Me getting hurt wasn't your fault Peter. I chose to go with you." I sigh and nod my head. Riley then pecks my lips and smiles. "Come on Spider-Man lets go home." I laugh as she tugs me down the steps. "Oh wait."I say, this time stopping her. "I think this belongs to you." I reach in the pocket of my jeans and pull out her necklace. She places a hand over her mouth in shock.

"I thought you would have thrown that out." "I have kept it with me since you left it on my window." Her eyes light up as she turns around and I put it on her. "Besides it never looked good with my clothes." She turns back around and laughs. "Now it's back where it belongs." I will never get over seeing her smile. "Now let's go home."

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