Chapter 26:

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~ Peter's POV~

       He took her. He took her away. There is this fear in her eyes for the first time. Those eyes are the last thing I see before the building comes crashing down on me. When I come to I see ruble everywhere, I'm unable to move. My heart starts racing, not because I'm stuck but because I can't save her.

     "Hello?! Please I'm down here! I'm down here." No one is there, no one can help me. Tears start running down my face. What am I supposed to do? I sigh releasing all the hope left in my body. That's when I notice my mask in a puddle, Mr.Starks words start to echo in my head. Suddenly I feel this small amount of courage enter my body.

         "Come on Peter. Come on Spider-Man, come on Spider-Man!" I'm doing it! I'm lifting the fallen building! Once I'm freed from the ruble I search for any sign of them. Then I spot them sitting on the ledge of a billboard. I can see Riley struggling to get free. "I'm coming Rye."

They take off but not with out me. I grip my web tightly as we fly to the plane, Riley seems to have given up on fighting back. Once we reach the plane he uses those weird purple things to get inside. Now it's my turn to find away in and not get caught. That idea was a bust. He ends up spotting me and looking right at me. I got to admit he has one creepy stair. He flies straight for me making sure to drag his talons on the plane, creating deep cuts.

I keep jumping out of the way but he just keeps coming. I take one jump but the wind is so strong it actually picks me up and takes me towards one of the plane's engines. Thankfully I catch myself before getting sucked in, but the Vulture dude wasn't so lucky as none of his wings got caught. He gets free but because of that we start to lose altitude. I shoot my webs to try and turn this thing so we don't crash into any buildings.

It's working but I can't hold it any longer. We are about to crash on the beach, I let go of my web and try to reach Riley but we crash. I end up flying through the air, hitting the warm sand hard. I couldn't get to her. There is this ringing in my ears that is so incredibly deafening, but I blow it off only focusing on what just happened. I remove my mask and get to my feet in search for her. As if by magic she walks out of the flames. With out a care I run to her, engulfing her in my arms.

"I thought I lost you!" I say cupping her face. "Sorry Parker you can't kill me that easily."she says with a smile. She turns from me and that smile disappears as she looks towards the billowing smile. "Duck." "What?" WHAM! He takes me out with his wings. "Hey Pedro." He comes at me again this time I'm ready and I duck out of the way but he comes back and grabs me.

We fly feet above the ground and he lets go. Just before I can hit the ground i shoot a web that saves me. Some how after that he flips me around so he drops me. This time I land on my face in the sand. I sense him coming but he doesn't get the chance to touch me, Riley's jaws shut tightly around one of his legs. She pulls him away from me. Sadly he plan fails as he takes his talons and latches on to her neck.

With almost no effort he lifts the giant wolf and throws her into the debris. I'm in shock as I try to stand but he grabs me flying up then slamming me back into the ground repeatedly. After he drops me I roll over but he isn't done with me. He grabs ahold of my hood but throws me aside once he sees the boxes.

I black out for just a moment until I feel this gentle nudging. When I open my eyes I see a black nose, white fur, and two green eyes. "Hey."I gasp. Suddenly we hear this buzzing sound, we look towards Vulture and see his wings ready to explode. I shoot a web in attempts to save him. "Time to go home Pete!" "I'm trying to save you!" My web snaps making me fall. The sound gets worse and I try to shoot another web but I'm out of fluid.

Riley jumps over my body right as it explodes. Once things settle we look in that direction of the explosion and run to him. I burn my hands lifting his wings but I don't care I just grab him. Luckily he is still alive. I throw him over my shoulder, "let's go Rye." No response. I look around and see I'm alone. I swear she was right behind me. I can't look around any longer, the smoke is too much.

Once I walk out of the flames I see why I was alone. The sight makes me drop to my knees. I found her, she lay on the ground with a piece of the exploded wing sticking out of her side. "No, no, no! Riley!" I run to her gently pulling the metal free. She doesn't even scream in pain she just remains silent. Her eyes are closed and her breathing is very labored. "Riley wake up please!"I yell as I feel the tears. I try shaking her but nothing happens.

"Please don't go." I softly wrap my arms around her neck and just hold her. We stay there for what feels like eternity. My hands pet her soft fur as I cradle her. Suddenly I hear the paramedics, my heart starts to pound, praying they can save her. Then my nightmare becomes a reality as I feel her take her last breath.

"No! Riley please don't go. Don't leave me." I cry into her fur as I clutch it between my fingers. The paramedics along with Happy pull up but I don't leave her. "Kid you got to go before you are discovered. He starts to pull me away from her. "Bring her back to me."I choke out. He gives me a disheartening look. "I'm sorry kid." I can't take it and climb to the top of the cyclone. I just cry up there, holding her necklace tightly. I lost her.

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