Chapter 39:

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~Riley's POV~

         Her nails dig deeply into my back as I try to shake her off. "You're pathetic!"She snarls. Some how she throws me to the ground making me wince in pain. "You were a waist of serum! You are worthless, you're nothing, just like your father!" That's it I've had enough, quickly I stand and clamp my jaws shut on her tail. Theo sharp scream leaves her throat as I throw her as hard as I can. Unfortunately the impact isn't enough to keep her down and she stands. With in a split second she lunges for me but this time I'm ready.

        Our bodies crash into each other harshly as our jaws snap at one another. Pain enters my neck as her razor sharp teeth slice into my shoulder. This time I don't cry out, instead I take my paw and claw her face. "You bitch!"she cries as she turns to me clutching her eye. Slowly she lowers her foot or hand to reveal a giant bleeding gash and a missing eye. Her words make me laugh a little though. "What can I say I take after my mother."

        She growls and lunges for me again, my paw making contact with the other side of her face forcing her to stumble. "Face it mother you created a creature stronger than yourself. You will never beat me because you're not strong enough!"

        My cold words get her to snap as she jumps on top of me and sinks her teeth into the flesh of my neck. A loud roar like howl escapes me as the pains seres through my body. Loud gun shots ring in my ears as I try to get her off. Finally she has had enough and hisses at the approaching solider and leaps off of me. My body collapses to the ground, fighting the venom of her bite that now runs through my veins. This loud scream fills the air forcing me to perk up.

       Bucky is flat on his back while my mothers jaws fiercely snap at him. That's my final straw, I'm done with this shit! Swiftly I tackle her and in one split second I rip her throat out. This low growl from deep down inside me as I stare at her lifeless eyes. Bucky stands in bewilderment as he joins me at my side. Suddenly strange rolling things begin to burst from the ground and roll in all sorts of directions, destroying anything in its path. "Fall back! Fall back now!"yells T'challa.

        Everyone begins running away as fast as they possibly can. The swift machines are two fast as they tear at the ground, destroying everything and everyone in their ever changing path. My leg burns from the bite I received but I charge on, not willing to slow. Well that was the idea until I saw one headed straight for Bucky. With a quick change of direction I push him out of the way, forcing us both to the ground.

       "You know you should really watch where you're going."I joke as I stand by him, my eyes peering down on him. "Shut up." Some how through all this that just makes me chuckle. "Would you hurry up and climb on already, I'm way faster than you anyway." "I hate you."he says as he entangles his fingers in my fur. "Whatever." Once he's finally on I haul ass out of there as Bucky shoots the mutants.

As soon as we make it to a safe place Bucky slides off and Cap hops on. "Do I look like a horse?"I snap. "As fast as u possibly can head towards the cliffs." "Why? What's going on there?"Bucky asks. "Vision is there." Oh no. With that I take off, leaving a cloud of dust behind me.

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