Chapter 28:

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~Riley's POV/ 2 years later~

I don't feel a thing, I just remember taking a single step and hitting the sand. My mind doesn't even register what has happened. The sudden impact of me falling does make me feel something. On a scale of one to being tortured I would say it's about torture level. I mean it is a giant piece of metal sticking out of my stomach, no big deal. The strange things is that my body hasn't changed back, I should have gone back to normal with this amount of pain. That means my healing abilities are not longer working.

That's when I figure it out, I'm dying. I'm not going to make it out of this. God this hurts. My vision is getting fuzzy with black spots but that is probably do to the blood loss. My breathing has become labored and I can no longer keep my eyes open. I slowly close them but hope I see Peter before they fully close. I just need to see him one last time.

Unfortunately seeing him isn't in the deck of cards today. My eyes fully close and I start seeing this strange sort of light, it keeps beckoning me to follow it. I know what this is, I can't go, not yet. "No,no,no! Riley!" I can hear his muffled cries, I can feel the pure terror he was feeling. He actually pulls the metal out but I'm too weak to even make a sound. "Riley wake up please!" He tries shaking me, trying to wake me up. Oh how I want to wake up. I feel Peter's warm tears fall into my fur. "Please don't go."

Gently he wraps his arms around my neck and snuggles his face into my fur. He hands softly petting me in a soothing way. The light starts to grow larger and stronger the more I resist. I want to keep fighting, I really do but I can't I'm just too tired. Then I hear the muffled sounds of sirens, I can't fight anymore. There is nothing left in me. I can't hold on any longer Peter, I'm sorry.

I wake with damp cheeks and a soaking wet pillow. All of it was just a dream or a nightmare. I'm not really sure if reliving your own death is necessarily a dream. I swiftly throw my covers of and climb out the window making my way to Peter's apartment. I knock gently on his window and hope he can hear it. The window then squeaks open revealing a shirtless Peter Parker.

Blush starts to heat up my cheeks. We have been dating for how long now and I still blush every time. "Dream again?" I nod and crawl through the window. "Come here."he says softly. I wrap my arms around his neck and hold him close. His arms wrap around my waist and do the same. He slowly pulls away from the hug to kiss me. Peter's lips are soft and comforting, they always manage to send electricity down my spine and make me melt at the same time.

What was meant to be a small innocent kiss has now turned into a deeper more patient one. One of his hands cups the side of my face while the other finds the small of my back, pressing my body to his. He then carefully starts to walk me backwards until my back is touching the wall. Both of his hands move to my hips, gripping them softly. My fingers end up finding their way to his soft curls. After a few more minutes like this I finally pull away from him. "We should umm probably get some sleep. We have that field trip tomorrow remember."I says breathlessly.

A small groan escapes his lips, "Yeah you're probably right."he says now with a chuckle. He then takes my hand in his and leads me to his bed. The fabric is nice and cool to the touch when I crawl in. Peter follows not too far behind.

"I just don't get it."he says suddenly "you have been back for months now and you keep have these dreams." "Trust me Parker you are not the only one confused." Again he lets out a soft chuckle and wraps his arm around me. I on the other hand snuggle into the crook of his neck and chest. "Wake me up if you have tha dream again or you just can't sleep, okay?" I give a small nod and let the comfort of Peter's presents and warmth pull me into sleep.

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