Chapter 38:

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~Peter's POV~

      This weird bluish cloud seems to just appear out of nowhere as I watch from my hiding spot.  "Peter, my love?"her voice suddenly enters my head. "I'm here baby, what's wrong?" There is sadness in her voice telling me that something was wrong. "Nothing umm I'm about to head into battle and I just wanted to hear your voice." Hearing that just immediately draws my attention away from the giant purple man to listen to her words.

       "I also want to tell that I love you, just in case..." "Riley please don't think like that."I cut her off, "we are going to make it out of this. We will be back in queens before you know it."

I can practically feel the tears in her eyes and the pain she feels. "Well kick some ass my sweet boy. I love you, see you soon." "I love you too."and with that she disappears. "Kid pay attention."Mr.Stark barks. Suddenly orange sparks begin to jump from Strange's hands, giving us the signal. "Our?"Thanos questions.

I watch as he looks to up to see Mr.Stark pushing a huge chunk of ruble on him. Using the gauntlet he turns the rock into birds or whatever they are and make them attack Stark. Quickly I throw a web ball right at Thanos's face, hitting him in the eye as I swing by. The others begin popping out and attacking the mad titan.

From a distance I watch as Strange tells his cape to keep Thanos from closing his fist. Some how the fabric is actually able to keep his fist open. Strange begins opening portals for me to jump through and have my fun with Thanos. "Magic."I playfully say as I punch him. "More magic, magic with a kick, magic with a..."I'm cut of by Thanos grabbing my throat and slamming me to the ground. This yelp of pain enters my head, alerting me of Riley feeling everything I feel. Slowly he begins choking me, Riley gasping for some sort of air as I try to cling to every breath.

Strange and the others come up and get him off of me but I can't stand right away. Instead I'm left gasping allowing cool air to fill my lungs. Carefully I jump back up and web up one of his arms, pulling tightly. The alien girl by the name of Mantis I think drops down through one of Strange's portals and lands on the shoulders of Thanos. "Sleep."she calmly says, her fingers resting on his head.

"Help!"calls out Mr.Stark who desperately tries pulling the gauntlet off. "Kid get over here, she can't hold him much longer! Let's go!" I quickly rush over there and use everything I have to pull this thing off. The damn thugs is really stuck on there though.

Star-lord swoops down with this big grin plastered on his face. He begins talking about how this was his plan which gets me to roll my eyes, but it's then he asks something that really grabs my attention. "Where is she?" "He's in anguish." "Good!"he snaps. "He...he mourns!"cries out Mantis. "What does this monster have to mourn?!" "Gamora."the blue woman interjects. That's when everything just clicks, the girl he was talking about....that must have been here. "He came back with the souls stone, Gamora didn't." She continues.

"No, tell me you didn't do it."he cries. Oh no this really isn't good. Before I know it the gauntlet is almost off but that's when he looses it. Star-lord begins bashing his gun into Thanos's face. Shit! "It's coming, it's coming! I almost got it!"I yell as I nearly get it to slip off.

Suddenly the purple giant comes to and quickly grabs the gauntlet making me fall. A groan leaves my lips as I slowly try to get to my feet. Just as I get up an giant thing of rock or whatever comes crashing down on Stark. The impact is so hard that everyone begins to float up in the air after begin knocked out by one of his blast. Swiftly I start to swing around and web them to solid pieces of rock.

Strange tries to stop him by using some magic tricks but they don't work, Thanos is just too strong. "You throw another moon at me I'm gonna loose it."Chimes Mr.Stark. The two of them dish it out, taking the others heavy blow until Thanos breaks off a sharp piece of Stark's armor and runs it through him. "When I'm done half of humanity will still be alive."he says as he forces Mr.Stark to sit.

From a distance I see the stones begin to glow but a weakened voice calls out stopping him. "S-stop!"calls Strange.

For a split second this actually seems to catch Thanos's attention. "Spare his life..." "Don't!"demands Stark. I sit and watch from a distance sad the green time stone appears from thin air. Fear and defeat consume me as I watch him hand the stone over. Thanos calls out in pain as he places it in the notch on the gauntlet, the power of them all counseling through him. "One to go."he smiles.

Shots begin to ring out as Star-lord flies through the air shooting away at him. It doesn't even phase him as he just smirks and steps through a portal. "Did we just loose?"Star-lord urgently asks. "Why would you do that?"Mr.Stark asks Strange. "We're in the endgame now."

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