Chapter 36:

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     You could cut the tension in that room with a knife. The whole time it just gives me this uneasy feeling, forcing me to step outside for some air. Sam and Bucky stand there alert and ready for anything with maybe simple conversation hear and there. "Couldn't handle the conversation?"Bucky asks with a smirk. "It was just too much all at once." "Now you see why we left."interjects Sam. I slightly nod as I turn back to our surroundings, taking in the beautiful sight before me.

       "You know Buck I really understand why you chose to stay here." "Yeah it's pretty breath taking isn't it." Before I get the chance to respond a loud explosion erupts from above. "God I love this place."Bucky says as we all look around. "Good to know Buck." Several weird leg like things come crashing to the ground all around us. "Everyone suit up."Cap says in the ear piece.

Strange gliding ships carry us across the beautiful grounds towards the edge of the force field at this rapid pace, they are kinda incredible actually. Bucky sits proudly on my back since there wasn't enough room on board. I can feel his fingers gently playing with my fur making me smile a little. "Are you ready for this?" Cap asks me.

Since I don't really feel like using the link I just simple nod. "You know anything can happen today. Are you willing to make that sacrifice?" With a heavy sigh I look straight into his blue eyes and say "it's what we do. We sacrifice everything, risk it all for the ones who can't do it themselves. Isn't that why they call us heroes ?"

He is just silent but his eyes say so much more. They show pride and proudness. For a moment it looks as if he might say something else but another crash grabs his attention. Banner lays face down in the hulk buster suit. "I'm okay." He announces. A small snicker leaves my lips as the ships slowly come a stop.

As if it were a scene taken straight from a movie we all stand in a line, battle ready. If only Peter were here to see this, he would probably compare it to Braveheart or something. Just the thought of my sweet boy fills my heart with warmth.

"Oh come on that is so not practical."I say before shoving a handful of popcorn in my mouth, the bowel and blanket resting in my lap. "How is this impractical? This literally happened when we fought at the airport remember?""Yeah but none of us are Mel Gibson preaching about our freedom."

Peter smirks as he pops a couple kernels in his mouth before wrapping a arm around me. "I think I would make an awesome William Wallace."he blurts between bites. "Haha and what makes you think that?" "Look at me, I'm strong, I'm smart, I'm already a superhero, and I would crush that freedom speech." "Peter you can barely present in front of the class, there is no way you would be able to crush that speech."

Quickly he removes his arm and places it on his chest while giving me this hurt expression. Without a single word he jumps up from the couch and begins to recite the whole speech. "They May take our lives but they'll never take our freedom!" Laughter consumes me as I watch the sight before me unfold.

This warm and goofy smile is plastered on his face as he rejoins me. "Nice job William Wallace." "Thank you very much."he laughs. It's then the sound of his phone ringing makes me turn my attention from our playful antics to that.

"It's a text from May, I have to go baby." "Can't you just spend the night?"I plead. "I wish I could but I have already spent the night three times this week, I think I owe it to her you know." I don't say anything and just nod. "Walk me out?"he asks in a comforting tone. "Don't I always." I joke. Once again he gives me that warm smile as we make our way towards the window.

"Try not to miss me too much."he says as he climbs out on to the fire escape. "No promises."I smirk. Peter does the same before placing a kiss on my lips. "Goodnight babygirl, I love you." My breath hitches in my throat as I replay his words over on repeat. "Y-you love me?" He honestly looks just as surprised as I feel. "Yeah Riley I do, I really do and you don't have to say it back if you're not ready but..." "I love you too Peter." This warm giddy feeling enters my stomach as he kisses me softly before he leaves.

"Everything okay?"Bucky asks as he now stands beside me. "Yeah just mentally preparing I guess." He gives a simple nod before turning back to the approaching Cap. "They surrender?" "Not exactly." It's then I begin to call out to Peter.

"I'm here baby, what's wrong?"he asks clearly concerned. "Nothing ummm I'm about to head into battle and just wanted to hear your voice. I also wanted to tell you that I love you, you know just in case." "Riley please don't think like that. We are both going to make it out of this. We will be together again in Queens before you know it." I can hear the sadness in his voice as tears begin to well in my eyes. "Well kick some ass my sweet boy. I love you, see you soon." "I love you too."

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