A Hundred Reasons Why #6 + Shamless Promo

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Story belongs to Elireide @ A03

I hope I don't need to remind you that the only reason you're here is that the best pilot in your class had a discipline issue and flunked out.

“What was that Lance?!”  Shiro shouts as the simulation ends.  Allura stands to the side, arms crossed over her chest.

“I thought I was in the right-”

“No, Lance.”  Allura cuts him off.  “If you spent half as much time practicing as you do mindlessly flirting with every creature you see, you would be far more in sync with the rest of the team.”

“But the whole point of this-”  Lance starts again.  He knows he followed protocol.  He did exactlywhat he was suppose to!  Why is he the one getting yelled at?

“It was a team exercise, Lance.”  Shiro tries to explain coolly.  “If it hadn’t been for Keith keeping his eyes open, Hunk would have bit it because of you.  You’re only lucky this was training.”

“Uh, guys, I don’t think-”  Hunk starts but is cut off by a ticked off Lance.

“Well, what?  Are you expecting me to be psychic or something now too?!”  He looks back and forth between Allura and Shiro with his arms held wide.  Lance knew the others usually worked a bit better together, but this was ridiculous.  It wasn’t his fault he didn’t know Hunk had gone off track.

“No, we expect you to pay attention to your partner in battle!”  Allura starts with one hand pointed toward him.  “Pidge was hidden and doing her job perfectly.  Hunk was your partner, you needed to defend him.  It should not be Keith’s responsibility to keep an eye open for you as well.  You need to carry your own weight.”  She doesn’t give Lance the opportunity to backlash before saying.  “Well, with that, training is complete for the day.”  Then storms off, obviously upset the paladins still weren’t working well enough together.

Lance bites his tongue and turns to head back to his room.  He wouldn’t show how angry he was.  It wasn’t anyone else’s fault but his own.  If Keith could do it, he should be able to as well, right?  Swallowing hard, Lance feels himself welling with tears.  The emotion was something between rage and disappointment and Lance wasn’t really sure how to deal with it.

Back in the training room, Hunk clears his throat.  “Uh, you guys know that was totally my fault, right?”  He laughs nervously.  “Like, I totally tripped and was trying to get back on track.”

“Shouldn’t Lance have been keeping his eyes open for you?”

“Well, that’s the thing, he had been.  I just messed up, you know, I was nervous and I think I was a bit hungry.”  Hunk admits bashfully.

Keith had remained quiet through most of this.  He is reminded, rather distinctly, of he and Lance’s earlier conversation.  Family always fights.  But, he remembered also the strangeness that followed after making statements about family.  Lance had hardly included himself in that.  Why?

Deciding it best to not get involved in the “who was right and who was wrong” debate, Keith walks down the hall to Lance’s room.  He knocks twice and waits for a while.  Lance doesn’t respond.  Keith knocks again before realizing the door wasn’t quite shut all the way.  It looked like Lance’s jacket had been plopped on the ground and managed to get trapped, leaving just enough space for the door to stay open.

Still a bit leery to enter Lance’s room without saying something, Keith clears his throat.  “Hey, uh, Lance?”

Lance is laying on the bed.  Headphones over his ears as he stares up at the ceiling. He isn’t crying, but he might as well be.  Both blue eyes are contrasted with swollen red veins and water dances at the edge of his eyelids.  At first, he doesn’t noticing Keith, but the instant he does, Lance jumps up and blinks hard before removing his headphones.

“What’s up, buddy?”  Lance says chipperly.  “Here to tell me how awesome you were today?”  He laughs a little.

“No.  I’m here because we’re family.”  Keith says awkwardly before taking a seat.  “Like you said, we all fight, right?”

“Yeah, I guess.”  Lance nods and tries to smile.  Keith had paid attention that night?  Heck, Lance hadn’t even convinced himself if it had been real.  “I just need to get better.”

“You’re fine, Lance.  Everyone is just stressed.”  He looks over to Lance and is suprised the typically boisterous teen is so quiet.

“Yeah.”  Lance agrees before sighing and looking over to Keith.  “I guess you’re right.”  He perks up again, replacing the tired look on his face with a brilliant smile.  Playfully smacking Keith’s shoulder, Lance laughs.  “Thanks, buddy.  I guess I really needed that.”

“Yeah.  Sure thing.”  Keith looks Lance over, trying to judge if his words had really made that much of an impact.  As far as he knew, this is how Lance always looked though.  Eyes big, toothy smile, confident.  So it must be right.  “Want me to hang out so you can vent?”

“Nah.  I was just gonna listen to some jams and take a nap.”  Lance shakes his head then pulls his headphones back up.  “I’ll see you at dinner.”


Date: June 10th probably.  If Earth months can apply out here.

Reason #6 - Music

Promo : Soooooooooo, I've published two books. The first one is

And the second is a Roleplay Book called, Beautiful Black Queens. Check them out :3

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