100 Reasons Why Pt. 1

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I've been a ghost with this book, but don't worry, for you all I'll update a lot today

This story belongs to Elireide @ A03


Date: What even are the Altean months? Do they have months?

Failure is something we’ve all grown accustomed to.  Heck, over time I’m sure we all kinda got used to realizing none of us had any idea what we were doing.  Well, except for pidge maybe.  But, that’s because she’s actually incredible.  She! How did I not notice that?

If I could change anything, it would be the beginning I guess.  Something could have been different to make it so I didn’t go that day.  Sure, I would have missed out on getting to see all the aliens and planets.  And obviously, I wouldn’t have been able to play paladin, but I’m sure it would have been better for everyone in the end.

There are many nights that I just...lay there, thinking of all the reasons I should be better.  I think of all the things I could do better, but it doesn’t really change anything.  I should be stronger.  I should be smarter.  I could be both of these things.  If I thought it would make a difference, I would try, but the others don’t look at me for those things anymore. 

The others don’t really look at me anymore at all..

Hunk and I use to be best buddies, but studying was boring.  Back in school, I could keep pretty good grades, even if I didn’t try.  But to actually sit down and want to learn more than I had to...well, that was dull.  Despite that, we were close at the garrison.  I thought it would be that way forever. 

But Pidge was cooler than me.  Even I have to admit that.  She could outsmart Hunk, and before meeting her, I was sure that couldn’t happen.  So it was only natural that the two of them would click.  Together, they are smarter.  When they work together, they can accomplish so many great things.  Who am I to complain that my best bud seems to be happier hanging with someone else these days?

But I said I would make a list.  So that’s what I’m going to do.   Starting today, I am writing down my reasons. So I guess for this one...because I am the only Lance McClain. And someone - somewhere - might have something to learn from me.

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