Your Lesbian Is Showing

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Story belongs to Queen_OT_Clouds @ A03

Chapter 9


When Lana woke up the first startling thing was the all encompassing warmth. Her room was normally cold and not matter how many times she changed the thermostat, the room remained at its constant temperature. She had Pidge, Hunk and Coran look at it to make sure that it wasn’t broken. All three of them said it was fine, yet it was persistently cold no matter how hard she tried. So this warmth was new. The second thing that she noticed was two breaths. One on the back of her neck and the other on her stomach. She looked down and saw the top of Keira’s head. A flush quickly sprang to her cheeks and she craned her head around to see Shira sleeping as well. Oh, how did she get here? She shouldn’t be here. What if they woke up and found her with them and immediately kicked her out? She would ruin her relationship with them. Keira only just started warming up to her.

Lana tried to subtly wiggle out of their embrace, but apparently she wasn’t subtle enough as both women tightened their arms around her and Keira groaned, burying her face farther in her stomach. Lana moved again and this time Shira huffed out what sounded like an irritated breath in her ear. Lana’s face got hotter as she felt the hot air near her ear. That was way too close to her fantasies and she should not be having these thoughts or she would probably do something stupid. Like kiss one of them. Or maybe both of them. How would they kiss? Would Keira kiss her with passion and power? Pinning her to walls and the bed? Would Shira kiss her slow and sweet? Holding her gently like she was made of glass? How would they fu- NOPE. NO. NON. Not today gay thoughts.

Lana shifted before she stiffened at Keira’s voice. “Stop moving, Lana.”  

She shifted again. “Kei-”

“Stop. Moving.” Keira lifted her head and glared at Lana until the woman nodded at her and she went back to sleep. Lana felt Shira laughing from behind her and stiffened.

“Do you have somewhere to go?” Shira asked, lips moved against her ear and she shivered at the feeling.

“Y-yeah-h. I-I’m supposed-d to meet H-hunk to help him with something he is working on.” That was a blatant lie and Lana prayed that Shira wouldn’t catch on. She silently cheered when Shira nodded her head and rolled onto her back so that Lana could climb over her. Keira whimpered behind her as the warmth left and cuddled Lana’s pillow instead, planting her face in the middle of it and taking deep breaths.  

Lana quickly left the room before the other paladins caught onto the fact that she was overstaying. Once the door shut behind her, Lana leaned back on it and slid to the ground. She put her face into her hands and groaned quietly. Oh, God that was so embarrassing.

As Lana replayed everything that had just occurred in the span of three minutes, her mind snagged on one statement from Keira.

Stop moving, Lana.

Keira knew she was there and didn’t kick her out of her bed immediately. Keira actually wanted her to stop moving so she could sleep longer. Keira wanted her to stay. No, no, no. That can’t be it. Why would Keira want her there? She had Shira. Beautiful, strong, wonderful Shira. Why would she need someone else? Why would she want someone else? She wouldn’t want Lana. Neither of them would. That was guaranteed. Lana sighed, looking up and was meet with the night of Allura crouching in front of her. Lana was sure her heart clean stopped in surprise.

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