Being Ignored Is Hard On The Heart

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Chapter 3

As soon as Lance got home from work he just went straight to his room and sat on his bed looking at his phone. Should he try to talk to them again? Will they reply? Maybe he should try. It won’t kill him will it?

To Pigeon

20:09: Hey Pidge did you tell my mom i had a crush?

Read at 20:11

20:13: Why are you guys ignoring me? I’m on the brink of exploding.

Read at 20:15

20:17: Alright fuck it.

Read at 20:19

Lance literally wanted to explode. Why were they ignoring him? What the fuck did he do? Is it his fault? He’s just really confused as to why they are doing this to him. What will it take to get them to talk with him again? It’s hard not talking to your friends..Better yet getting ignored by them. That’s far worse honestly.

“Agh!” Lance threw his phone at the door and just flopped onto his back. “Frustrating! This is frustrating!” Lance covered his face with his hands and just laid there for a bit.

“What am i doing wrong?” Lance got up to get his phone. “I’ll talk to Shiro. At least he’ll talk to me.” Lance picked up his phone and unlocked it.

To Galaxy Dad:

20:33: Hey Shiro.

Read at 20:33

20:34 Galaxy Dad: Hey Lance what’s up?

Read at 20:34

20:35: Everything honestly. Everyone is ignoring me and i have no clue as to why..

Read at 20:35

20:38 Galaxy Dad: Wanna come over and talk for a bit about it then?

Read at 20:38

Lance literally screamed for a second then covered his mouth with his hands. He then uncovered his mouth to reveal a huge smile across his face. “Score.” He said with the huge smile covering his face.

20:43: Alright i’ll be there in 15 minutes or less.

Read at 20:43

20:44 Galaxy Dad: Alright see you then :)

Read at 20:44

Lance hopped out of bed and quickly got ready to go and see Shiro.

Lance arrived at the front door and rang the doorbell and patiently waited for Shiro to answer. As Lance waited he could hear Shiro yelling at Keith? Wait why was he yelling at him? Lance put his ear to the door so he could hear a bit better but when the did the door opened and Lance quickly pulled away and nervously smiled.

Shiro looked at Lance and smiled. “Hey Lance.” Shiro said as he moved out the way so Lance could walk in. 

“Hey Shiro.” Lance said as he walked in and saw Keith on the couch looking angry as ever.

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