Your Lesbian Is Showing

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Story Belongs to Queen_OT_Clouds @ A03
Chapter 1


If Lana could say anything about crushes, its that she hates them. Absolutely despises them. With a burning passion. She knew that no one could ever really love her the way that she loved them. So she kept her crushes as a secret from the world. Willing them away, but never really succeeding in the end. She knew that she could never get that kind of attention from them, so she flirted instead. She wanted others to feel like they were loved and appreciated. Like they had potential and were attractive. She wanted these compliments in return, but no one saw Lana in the way that she saw them.

Mama had always said to treat others like how you want to be treated. The golden rule she had called it. Golden rule my ass. No one treated others like how they wanted to be treated. If they did the whole world- fuck that, the whole goddamned universe would be nicer. Maybe this war never would have started. Maybe Lana wouldn’t be the weak link in Voltron. Maybe Lana would have the strength to accept her feelings. Maybe Lana wouldn’t be hiding from the two people she loved the most.

Ever since they got blasted into space, Lana’s crushes on Keira and Shira, their resident red and black paladins, has grown exponentially to the point where it almost painful to be in the same room as them. And when they had announced that they were in a relationship, it broke Lana’s heart into bits and pieces. While everyone else gave them congratulations and happy smiles, Lana gave them a thumbs up and a strained, bitter smile. She had left soon after not wanting to see the happy couple that she was forever pining after, but could never have.

After the announcement, Lana kept catching Keira and Shira in compromising situations around the castle. She would see them in a random hallway, with Keira pressed against the wall, her strong legs around Shira’s waist as they kissed like the world was ending. Or on the rare occasion she caught them fucking in the communal showers, she really felt the pain.

And yeah, Lana could probably get over her crush by lying to herself till she believed it, but everytime a smile was thrown her way, those feelings would always resurface from the grave that Lana put them in. Or every time she was complimented, touched, or spoken to she would fall back in love with them. Lana knows that she’ll never be able to fall out of love with the two people who mean the most to her. She knows that they will never find an attractive bone in her body. She know that she will never capture their attention the way that they have captured hers. She knows that she really, really, truly and utterly hates crushes.


When Coran says that a mission is going to be easy. Lana knows to expect trouble.

Their mission was to infiltrate a nightclub that was holding the King of a nearby planet's, hostage. The owner had kidnapped the King to get ransom from the kingdom to pay for intergalactic slave trading. The whole thing made Lana shudder. The thought of a person being taken from their home only to be sold into slavery where they were at their master’s will. That must be one of the most disgusting things in the universe.

Their plan was to sneak into the club by having someone dress up as a whore to distract the guards and anyone who they thought could stop them. They would pretend to be the people that would be delivering the ransom for the King and while the paladin who was dressed up would distract the club owner they would smuggle the King out without giving up any money.

The plan seemed simple enough, now all they needed was a paladin to play the part of the whore. The paladins all shuffled around uncomfortably. None of them wanted to humiliate themselves by dressing up as someone who was desperate for cock.

“Anyone?” Coran asked, nervously playing with his mustache. More awkward shuffling.

Lana finally sighed, wanting to get the mission over with, and raised her hand.

“Wonderful! Come along Lana, I have the perfect outfit for you.” Coran began to walk out of the room with a slightly reluctant Lana following behind. She glanced over her shoulder and Hunk gave her a little thumbs up. Lana gave him a small smile before catching up with Coran who had already left the room and was turning the corner. Geez, for someone over ten thousand years old he sure was fast.

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