Your Lesbian Is Showing

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Story belongs to Queen_OT_Clouds @ A03

Chapter 9


The next day after the mission, Keira and Shira were walking to the training room when they heard crying. They shared a glance before rushing in to fix whatever the problem was. What they saw was rather questionable. Hunk was sitting on the ground, his legs out in front of him as he tried to touch his toes. Pidge was also on the  floor, but she was fake crying and clutching an empty water pouch. There was a puddle of water a few feet from where Pidge was sat, and Lana was nowhere to be seen.

“What happened here?” Shira asked, taking her ‘leader pose.’

“It’s not fair!” Pidge yelled throwing the pouch in the direction of the changing rooms. “Hunk and I can’t even touch our toes and Lana can do the fucking splits like it’s nothing.”

Lana can do the splits? Keira felt fire racing to her face. Her own element, betraying her.

“How is that unfair?”

“Cause she isn’t allowed to look like a fucking goddess doing it.”

Shira sighed. “Pidge, language.”

Hunk raised his hand from where he had given up. “Actually I’m on Pidge’s side with this one, sorry Shira.” The yellow paladin shrank under the glare that their leader sent him.

“Not helping Hunk.”

All of the paladins turned when to the door at the sound of it whooshing open. Oh, look there was that blush again. Lana was standing in the doorway pulling at a red shirt that definitely wasn’t her own. No, that shirt was Keira’s and she sure as hell didn’t mind. All of Keira’s shirts were somewhat tight fitting so it showed off Lana’s curves perfectly. The blue paladin was about a few inches taller than her so the shirt rode up a little to show some of the beautiful, smooth expanse of Lana’s stomach. Lana was also wearing black leggings that she had borrowed from Allura. They were so tight that you would have been able to see the lines of her panties. But seeing there were no lines meant only one thing. Their lovely, innocent girl wasn’t wearing anything under that. Was she trying to kill them?

Lana looked up from where she was standing and startled when she saw the other two paladins. “Oh, Keria, Shira, hey.” She stepped into the room and began to sashay over to them. Keira was basically drooling, and had to use all of her mental strength not to go up to the girl and grope her ass while she kissed her senseless.

“Um, Keira you wouldn’t mind me borrowing your shirt for a minute? Pidge got water all over mine and I have no clean ones.” Lana gave her puppy eyes that no one could refuse, least of all Keira.

Keira’s voice came out weak and breathy, “Yeah, yeah, sure. You can keep it.” The last part was whispered, but Lana caught onto the murmering.

“What was that?”

Keira immediately flushed and stammered out a “nothing” before ducking under Shira’s arm to hide her red face.

“Shakira’s at it again, Hunk.” Pidge giggled, wiping at her dry face.

“What about Shakira?” Lana asked from her place standing next to them, arms above her head, stretching.

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