Being Ignored Is Hard On The Heart

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Chapter 8

Lance and Shiro had fallen asleep on each other towards the end of the movie. Lance was the first one to fall asleep and Shiro fell asleep about five minutes after Lance.

Lance woke up while the morning was still dark. He sat up and rubbed his eyes.

“What time is it?” Lance whispered to himself. He carefully crawled out the bed and looked at his phone. His clock read ‘05:38.’ “Jesus fuck why am i up so early??” Lance said as he began to stretch a bit. Lance looked back at Shiro who was still in his bed asleep, and he looked so peaceful in his sleep. Like nothing could worry or bother him. Lance smiled and quietly opened the door and walked out of the room. It was dark but Lance didn’t turn on the lights because he didn’t want to wake anyone, So he slowly and quietly made his way downstairs. Lance finally made it downstairs and searched for a light switch. “It’s somewhere around here.” Lance whispered as he searched for a switch. “Ah found it!” He whispered as he turned on the light. The sudden burst of light made Lance wince and cover his eyes. “Ugh..bright.” He said as he slowly opened his eyes and moved his hand. Soon Lance got used to the light and made his way to the kitchen to get some water. Lance took a cup out of the cupboard and walked over to the sink and pour himself some water and once he got his water he then walked over to the table and placed his cup on the table and rested his elbow on the table and his hand against his face. Honestly being alone gave him time to to think.

Too much time.

Being alone to his thoughts felt suffocating. Constant reminders that he’s not enough, He’s a burden to his friends and family, That he could do so much better than what he’s doing right now, But he knows that they’re just stupid voices in his head. They can’t do anything to him. Can they?

Lance sighed and took a long gulp of his water then gently placed it back on the table and stared into nothingness. Lance stood up straight up and finished his water and placed his cup in the sink. Lance walked over to the living room and looked out the window and noticed it was still dark. Lance plopped down on the couch and sighed once again and stared at the ceiling with a blank face and his mind started to flood his head with thoughts he rather not have right now. Constantly feeding him reminders that he should try harder. That it’s his fault he’s such a fuck up and that people don’t like him. That he would be better off not living anymore. That he’s such an unlovable person and that he should’ve offed himself many years ago.

Why hasn't he done it yet? What is stopping him? He has many reasons to end it. His friends are shit and he just can’t take it anymore and he should just do it. End it all. What’s stopping him?

But then someone comes into his mind.


It’s Shiro. Shiro is stopping him. Lance just can’t leave him. Lance has noticed whenever he talks to Shiro his heart races and he could forget about everyone and everything when he’s with Shiro. Lance doesn’t want to leave him. Shiro is the only person Lance can trust.

Lance shot up and stared wide eyed at the Tv.

“Oh my god...I think i’m in love with Shiro.” Lance quietly said to himself. Lance already knew he liked Shiro but loved him? Love is a strong word of affection, But Lance knew what he knew and he knew he loved Shiro and he couldn’t leave him. Lance got up and looked out the window and saw the sun was coming up and Lance walked to the kitchen to look at the clock on the microwave and noticed the clock read ‘07:02’

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