Being Ignored Is Hard On The Heart

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Chapter 6
Lance finally made it back to his room and closed the door as he walked in and went straight to his bed and laid there eating his cookies just looking at the ceiling yet again. Lance just wanted to sleep forever and forget everyone at the moment and just to be at peace and left alone. “Ugh.” Lance groaned as he finished his cookies and rolled over to his side to look at the wall and window. Lance sat back up and scooted over to the window and opened it and pushed off the net screen behind the glass. He then climbed out the window onto the roof and sat there staring up at the night sky filled with beautiful stars and deep blues and a stunning moon. “I wish my life could be as peaceful as the night.” Lance said with a sigh and lied on his back and continued to look at the sky. Lance closed his eyes and as soon as he did he heard his phone buzzing. He quickly and carefully got up and climbed back into his room and picked up his phone and read that the person that was calling was Shiro. He quickly answered the phone.

“Hello?” Lance said to Shiro.

“Hey Lance how’s everything going?” Shiro asked Lance.

“Uhh good i guess?” Lance said as he walked back over to the window and climbed back out.

“I actually called to see if i could come over.” Shiro said to Lance.

Lance literally almost fell when Shiro said that. “Yeah. Yeah it’s cool. You can come over.” Lance said as he sat down on the roof.

“Okay i’ll be over in a bit okay?”

“Okay i’ll be waiting here.” Lance said thinking if that sounded weird.

“Alright bye.”

“Bye.” And with that Lance hung up.

Lance placed his phone next to him and laid back down on his back and closed his eyes.

“At Least something’s going good.” Lance said with a smile on his face.


As soon as Lance hung up Shiro quickly grabbed his keys and left his house to go to Lance’s place. Shiro was looking forward to see Lance, And maybe that’d make Lance’s day a bit better. Having someone to talk to always made him happier. And by that someone Shiro knew it was him because it seemed that Lance always got a bit happier when he talked to Shiro. Shiro pulled up to Lance’s driveway and parked his car and got out. Shiro walked up to the front door and knocked three times. He waited a bit before Lance’s mom answered.

“Shiro! Hi!” She said with a smile.

“Hi Mrs.MCclain.” Shiro said with a smile too. “I called Lance earlier to see if i could come over.” Shiro said to her.

“Ah okay well he’s in his room.” She said as she moved out of Shiro’s way and she pointed upstairs. “He upstairs. The second door to the right.” She said with a smile.

“Okay.” He said as he walked pass her up to Lance’s room.

Shiro made it up to Lance’s room and knocked on his door three times then waited for a bit. “Lance?” Shiro said as he slowly opened the door. To his surprise he didn’t see Lance. “Lance?” Shiro said again and this time Lance heard him.

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