Your Lesbian Is Showing

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Chapter 16


Lana lounged on the couch running her left hand through Keira’s hair. The glint of the ring that adorned her finger made her stop her ministrations. On her left hand, Keira had given her a silver ring with a ruby set in the middle, with white diamonds running down the sides. On her right hand was Shira's ring which was a piece of onyx set in the middle of the silver ring with small black diamonds running down the sides. They were both truly exquisite pieces of jewelry and must have got the women so much.

About 4 months ago both Keira and Shira, their possessive asses, had proposed to her. They were both too fed up with aliens trying to touch and claim what was theirs. They had proposed and were married on Earth. Lana finally got to see her family again and had to bat away Veronica cause she kept making innuendos about Lana’s sex life.

Mama cried when she saw her baby girl. At first it was an emotional amount of time for everyone. There was crying, then the telling of stories, then more crying. All in all, Lana wasn’t surprised when the next day she woke up with a pounding headache and severe dehydration. Then, she had to announce her engagement. At first it was deadly quiet and Lana began to panic, before they all started cheering.

The wedding was beautiful. They were married on Varadero beach and Lana’s entire family was present for the occasion. She couldn’t have asked for anything better.

So here she sat with her wife’s head in her lap while the other was trying to find someway to cuddle with them. Eventually Shira just lifted Lana up and squeezed under her, placing a kiss on the Cuban’s head after she got comfortable. Keira didn’t stir once during the entire transition.

Shira began to rub at Lana’s exposed arm, specifically over the tattoo of the flower crown. Pidge glanced up from her computer to mutter, “ew your lesbian is showing,” before she noticed what Shira was rubbing over. “Hey, Lana. What does your tattoo mean?” (y’all thought I forgot, HA)

Lana stiffened which cause her wives to get protective, curling around her to stop any harm come towards her.

“U-uh, it’s for my sister.” Lana said quietly, the entire team came over to listen to the story. “Me and my sister, Celia, was one of my closest friends. We used to do everything together. We confided in each other all the time. She was the one person I couldn’t live without. We used to live by this flower meadow and Celia loved to make flower crowns out of them. Hence,” Lana gestured to her arm. “Why I got the tattoo as one. When I was 14 and Celia was 17, she went out to a party with her friends. She never came back.” Lana choked on a sob at the memory. “S-she was found-d dead-d in h-her car-r, she had b-been drunk-k. I got-t this-s tattoo so that-t I would n-never forget-t her.” Tears were now streaming down Lana’s face and her wives clutched her tighter.

The team came in and they formed a group hug, it lasted until Lana’s sobs stopped and she whispered a broken “thank you”. Man, she had the best family and she’d be damned if she ever forgot them. Maybe she’ll get some tattoos down her thigh, one Voltron V for each member. Yeah, that sound good.

Keira and Shira both kissed her and the group laughed when Pidge said, “ew, guys. You’re in the presence of a child. Leave all of the scandalous stuff for the bedroom.”


Sorry for being so inactive guys. I have been busy with school. 😢 I'm graduating this year then I'm going to college omllll 😢😢😢😢

Low key I'm scared tbh. I gotta grow up and move out its scary ;-;

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