A Hundred Reasons Why #22

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Nowhere to hide

"Pidge what's going on?!" Lance shouts from a spot in the hall. The radio breaks up but he can hear her responding to someone. He isn't convinced it's him though.
"There's .... Static .... Magnetic ....." Pidge is trying to explain something but only a few words come over through the static.
"What? I can't hear -"

"No. It's not that ... interruption .... the ship." Shiro says over the com.

"Guys I can't hear -"

"Maybe if .... Static ... just try..."

With that, Lance shakes his head and grits his teeth. He was tired of this. Yes, he likes to make jokes. Sure, he tries to have fun. But damnit, not all of his ideas should be ignored! This was a set up, just as he'd expected.

Another group of soldiers come around the corner. Lance hides near a wall. He tries one more time to get through to the others, to let him know things weren't going well on his end. But, the interference is too strong. With gritted teeth, Lance does his best to take the resistance down. Between each shot, he darts back into hiding, looking around for a better vantage point.

"Guys! I'm kinda overwhelmed over here!"


Lance groans then peeks around the corner before firing a few more shots. He darts down the hall, hoping, if nothing else, that he can just make it back to the others. Shot after shot, he zig zags down the hall, keeping his eyes open for the others.

"How many of these guys are there?!" Lance says exasperatedly. He fires another shot then takes a second to breath. One more try, he thinks as he clears his throat. "Guys? Anyone?"

This time, he hears them all talking but they don't seem to hear him - or respond anyway. Lance clenches his eyes shut and peeks back around the corner to continue his way back.

"Glad to see everyone has made it back." Shiro says once they meet the rendezvous point.

"Sure are a lot of them out there." Hunk says breathlessly. "I was afraid we wouldn't get back for a while."

"We are all thankful you did." Allura says with a smile while trying to catch her breath. She holds one arm, it's bleeding.

"Uh, guys, we're missing something." Pidge announces while looking around. When the others look at her confused, Pidge puts a hand to her ear. "Hear that?"

"No?" Allura says confused then it hits her. "Lance isn't here!" She looks around then darts toward the doorway, trying to see if he is just outside.

"Lance, where are you?! We have to get out of here!" Shiro shouts over the com. He joins Allura by the doorway. "See anything?" He looks at Allura's arm. "That looks bad, will you be alright?"

"Not Lance." She responds quietly. "I will be fine." Allura responds with a nod.

"....guys...." Lance's voice comes over the radio suddenly. It's broken and quiet, as if he's trying not to be noticed.

"Lance!" Pidge shouts and looks around for him. "Where are you Lance? We're coming for-"

"No." He says sternly. "You guys have to go." His voice is hardly a whisper. "I will follow behind but I'm kinda trapped right now."

"We aren't going to leave you behind, buddy."

"There's a swarm coming your way." Lance says through gritted teeth. "I'm hidden. They think I'm with you." He holds in a cough. "If you don't go, you guys... I don't want you to get hurt because of me."

"But then you'll be alone!" Pidge shouts.

"He's right." Allura says nervously. "I can see them coming. We have to go."

"We can't leave Lance!" Pidge shakes her head. "I'm not leaving him behind."

"Pidge." Lance says quietly. "Trust me. I'll be fine." He swallows hard enough for all the paladins to hear it. "But you guys need to go. I'll sneak out later."

"But Lance!" Pidge starts to argue. "There's got to be a way to get him and get out of here."

"He says he can do this." Shiro looks to Pidge. "Plus we're already tired. And Princess Allura has been hurt. If we stay here, we might take even more damage." He makes a fist. "We have to believe in him."

story belongs to Elireide @ ao3 

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