Your Lesbian Is Showing

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Story belongs to Queen_OT_Clouds

Chapter 5


Keira batted away another hand, which was a tentacle this time, that was attempting to touch Lana. Honestly, Keira was about ready to start snapping some necks. Who did these aliens think they were, trying to touch what was hers? Keira’s scowl deepened before Lana tapped her to get her attention. When Keira looked at the blue paladin, the lines in her face immediately smoothed out and a fond look took over.

“I can practically feel you vibrating with tension,” Lana whispered, leaning forward to speak to her. Keira could feel her face warming up and was suddenly very, very happy that the room was dark and the cloak was covering her face. “Are you okay?”

“Y-yeah, I’m fine.” Keira cursed the stutter in her voice and the way it got a little high at the end of her sentence. Lana gave here a look that said she didn’t believe her, but let it slide.

They reached the little red door and Lana looked back at Roaknaw. The mucus-covered alien gave the guards some kind of signal and one of them opened the door, letting the humans past. As soon as they stepped through the threshold, the door was slammed behind them and the music disappeared. Instead was the sound of moaning and groaning. Keira suddenly realized why the room was labelled as sexy. There was a long hallway painted red with multiple black doors on either side. On each of the doors was a neon sign that either said occupied or vacant. At the end of the hallway there was a white door with wings carved into it.

They began to walk down the hallway and it took everything in Keira’s power not to cover her ears like a child. One of the room’s sign changed from a red Occupied to a green Vacant. A pair of aliens walked out giggling at each other and looking freshly fucked out. As they passed by, the male alien’s eyes flickered to Lana and roamed her body. Keira was about to tell the guy to fuck off when Shira beat her to it by glaring at him. The black paladin’s eyes screamed bloodshed and death. The alien was so frightened that he immediately took off, leaving his partner behind in confusion.        

Keira gave Shira the was-that-necessary look. Shia just shrugged and nodded her head. Keira rolled her eyes and shook her head as an affection smile overtook her face. They gave each other fond smiles from around Lana and not once did they notice that the blue paladin’s face fall or the way she bit her bottom lip to keep in the tears.

They reached the end of the hallway and Lana let go of her fellow paladin’s arms to drop the coat that she had brought over her shoulders to rest in the crooks of her elbows, again. She knocked on the door twice and it was opened by another guard. Man, all the guards in this place were making Keira anxious. Her hand strayed to her knife gripping the handle, when Lana smacked her arm and shook her head. Keira pouted at the blue paladin who just glared at her. Keira sighed as they were led down a long staircase. At the end, it opened up into a large room.

The walls were a pure white with intricate carvings that depicted a battle between lion looking aliens and serpent like creatures. From the ceiling, hung a chandelier made of some sort of purple crystal that covered the room in a magenta glow. The room was sparsely decorated, with a table here or there that had a few tablets on them. In the center of the room sat a desk of a fine red wood.

Behind it, in a high backed chair sat a… human? No, this humanoid creature was stunning. He had a beautifully angular face and sharp green eyes. His dark skin severely contrasting with his white hair. He looked to be Altean with his pointed ears that had multiple earrings, each one with some sort of rare gem on them. His body was lean but also muscular and from his back protruded white wings. He wore a crisp white button down shirt with a waistcoat that hugged his figure nicely. He had a bracelet on his wrist that was producing the holographic screen that he was typing on. When he noticed their presence, he pressed a button on the side of the bracelet and closed the screen, resting his elbows on the table and interlacing his fingers.  

“You must be the people who are here to trade the ransom money for the king.” Even his voice was beautiful.

Keira and Shira nodded their heads in affirmation.

“Well? What are you waiting for? Pass over the money. Then you will get your king.”

Keira stepped forward, but was stopped as Lana stepped in front of her and took the case from her hands. The Cuban woman walked over to the winged man, her hips swaying as she went, and sat herself on the table, placing the case beside herself. She cocked her head to the side and gave the alien a flirty smile.

“Is this one yours?” The question was directed at the other paladins even though his eyes never left Lana. The women both said ‘yes’ in usion and Keira’s hand went back to her knife as she saw the man’s hands begin to roam up Lana’s legs. His hands passed by Lana’s hips and settled on her waist, pulling her around so that she was facing him completely, with her legs hanging in between his own. Keira was going to lunge forward when he saw the alien grab at Lana’s ass and pulled her closer, but was stopped by Shira’s iron grip on her shoulder.

“That’s a pity. I would have taken her off your hands. She’s a beauty.” How dare he speak about Lana as if she was an object and not her own person? “I could never sell her off. She’s so well behaved.” To emphasize his point he cupped Lana’s cheek and she leaned into the touch. When Keira went to lunge at the alien again, Shria’s grip tightened. The red paladin looked over at her girlfriend in anger. Why wouldn’t she let her just kill the guy already? He was feeling up what was theirs. Shira pulled Keira close and whispered in her ear.

“Do you really think I’m not angry? I’m contemplating ripping his throat out right now. I want to walk over there and take Lana from his grubby ass hands and beat him till he is unrecognizable. I want to grab Lana and say ‘fuck it’ to this entire mission. I want to bring Lana back to the castle with us knowing that he won’t ever touch what is ours again. But, this is part of the mission, you need to control your temper or someone is going to get hurt. And if Lana gets hurt I know that neither of us could ever forgive ourselves. Calm down, I know you want to kill him right now but we can’t afford that.” Keira nodded her head and took a few calming breaths. She was lucky to have Shira in her life. Without her, Keira would probably be dead from doing something stupid and impulsive by now.

Shira gave her a strained smile before dropping a kiss on her head and looking back up at the couple in front of her. Keira felt Shira stiffen and she turned around to look as well. What she saw almost made her growl like and animal.

The alien now had Lana facing sideways in his lap, her legs thrown over the arm of the chair. He was looking down and speaking to her in a quiet voice with a fond expression. Lana was giggling to whatever he said and she intertwined her fingers with his. The the man’s free hand had now begun to play with the little strings at the back of Lana’s dress. Pulling ever so slightly, but not enough to undo the bow. Keira felt Shira’s arm start to warm up and she batted at her lover to stop before she burned through Keira’s clothing.

Shira stepped around Keira and gave a rather loud cough to get the attention of the alien. He looked up and knocked on the table twice, summoning guards.

“Take them down to get their king.” Before he could say anything else, his attention was stolen by Lana again.

Keira rolled her eyes. Goddamn, men were stupid when it came to a pretty lady. As they were led away by the guards, Keira chanced a glance at Lana and saw that she was looking at her while the alien was kissing at her neck. Lana gave a quick jerk of her head to signal that she was okay. Keira nodded back before the door slammed in her face. The red paladin sighed. When will this mission be over?

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